Behind-the-Scenes for Coaches

If you've ever wanted to peek behind the curtain into someone's coaching business, you are in for a treat!

I created a new audio series during 12 Days of Coaching, called Behind-the-Scenes for Coaches. I was inspired to share real stories about my clients' and colleagues' journey to success—including the challenges of the first year, the missteps, valuable learnings, and successes along the way.I got such great feedback about the series during 12 Days of Coaching. One coach borrowed an idea he heard in the interview, applied it, and filled his workshop. Another started to more boldly go for her dreams and new opportunities are opening for her left and right.

Honest stories are so powerful. For this reason, I've decided to keep the series going.Today I'm sharing the first two episodes that were released during 12 Days of Coaching. Next month I'll share the next guest—the fantastic Rohini Ross—and a new guest each month after that.I hope you listen and find inspiration, clarity, comfort and so much more. May you see you aren't alone and that your journey is perfect.

You are right on time.With Fierce Loving,Amber


Welcome to Behind-the-Scenes for Coaches

—an interview series for coaches where the conversation focuses on how a coach started and where they are today.We often see someone's success, but we don't hear about their stumbles along the way. These honest conversations with my clients and colleagues are about what's really required to grow a thriving practice. 

We'll peel back to the curtain to highlight someone's first year in business (their fees/packages/income), as well as their perceived failures, learnings and triumphs.

My hope is you'll find comfort and inspiration in this series.

In this hour-long conversation, you'll learn:

  • How Morgan let herself dream (and dream bigger) for her life—and how you can too!

  • The importance of connections/community and ways to expand yours.

  • The value of taking uncomfortable action.

  • Morgan's starting fees and income, as well as where she is today.

  • How she decides what to create in her practice.

  • And so much more...

In this 55-minute conversation, you'll learn:

  • How Sascha's health journey was a catalyst for launching her coaching practice and growing community.

  • How she embraces her many passions and makes room for more than one career.

  • The importance of caring about people's stories—including your own.

  • What do after you take uncomfortable action.

  • Sascha's starting fees and income, as well as where she is today.

  • And so much more...

To receive these audios and future episodes,CLICK HERE.


behind-the-scenes for coaches

get the audio series about what it really takes to build and
a successful coaching business


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