Dear Body, I Love You

I have been invited to be a facilitator for Arianna Huffington’s new company, Thrive Global. Their mission is to revolutionize corporate culture based on the principles of Well-being (Body), Wisdom (Mind), Wonder (Heart) and Giving (Soul). The four pillars from Arianna’s book, Thrive—a great read if you haven’t gotten to it yet.

At a recent introductory workshop for the public, participants were asked to go to the area of the room where they were weakest. The room was divided into four quadrants—Mind, Heart, Body and Soul. The quadrant with the most people (more than half of the total number of participants) was Body.

Why is it so easy to put ourselves last and neglect our own self-care?

It’s an interesting question to explore. I know for me, I find working on my business and coaching clients way more fun than making lunch. If I’m really honest, sometimes I get annoyed that my body needs to eat. I think, “She keeps interrupting my flow! Stop.”

Then I remember…I can’t do anything without my body. Taking care of her, is a big part of taking care of me. Am I that unwilling to offer myself the same loving care I might offer Vince (my beau)?

I ask you: How willing are you to care for your body? How much of a priority do you make her/him each day?

If you’ve been participating in my Fierce Loving for Your Body Challenge, then you’ve most likely upleveled your attention and care. Which is awesome. I acknowledge you. And, how will you keep this going when the challenge completes?

Maybe you don’t know what to do or how to do it. Or, maybe you know what to do, but you just aren’t doing it. Or, maybe there’s not enough time…or you’re making something else more important—work, activism, family.

No matter, each day presents us with an opportunity to deepen in our Fierce Loving for our body. If you would like support in this area, I invite you to join me for my upcoming LIVE workshop happening Sunday, February 26th from 11am-3pm.

In this FREE day we’ll honestly look at your current relationship with your body—where you are, what you want and what’s in the way. We’ll take apart how you punish her (criticism, comparison, blame, deprivation, stuffing, etc.) and go beyond what to eat and how to exercise. This is really about unearthing and rewiring the belief system of “not enoughness” so that you shift to experiencing your value and want to take care of yourself. Plus, it’s super fun and transformational!

I only lead this complimentary workshop once per year. It does sell out. If you’d like to RSVP, click the link below and fill out the form. I’ll get back to you in 3-business days to confirm.

RSVP for Fierce Loving for Your Body here.

Now more than ever I see the importance of this work. Life has a way of making us pay attention—in wanted and unwanted ways. Making a habit of nurturing your body now may prevent you from a hospital stay in the future…

If not now, when?

With Fierce Loving,


One word that changed everything


Dealing with the unexpected