"Don't rush to fill the space."

There is a lot of energy swirling about this time of year. Everywhere you look you see someone talking about goals, dreams, and visions. This is all wonderful—and very easy to get caught up in, especially if you don’t feel aligned with the energy of creation right now.

It’s easy to drop into judgment and/or try to manufacture some plan because that’s what you’re “supposed” to do. 

It’s important to remember that January 1 and all the hoopla that surrounds it is made up. Today is simply a continuation of the life you’ve been living—the ups and downs of it all that weave together to make the beautiful tapestry of your journey.

If you are jazzed and inspired about 2023 and feel clear and ready to dive into your goals, awesome. Some years I feel that way and some years I don’t.

If you don’t feel that way, keep reading. I share a way I’m thinking about 2023 that may be useful for you. 


When my husband and I first moved into our new home, I desperately wanted to get it set up and decorated. You see, I like things to have their place. The issue was that we were both full on in our work and also unsure of what we wanted to put where.

I started to feel behind, rushed, and irritated that we still had boxes laying about months after moving in. I expressed this to my coach at the time, Dr. Mary Hulnick, and she said something I will never forget:

“Amber, don’t rush to fill the space. Allow yourself time to get to know your home. Allow it to show you what it is.” 

Those words were like a calming balm. I immediately relaxed and became curious about the house. That choice allowed me to intentionally partner with our home to create a truly sacred space.


What if instead of rushing to fill the space of 2023 you slowed down to get acquainted with it? What if you let it show you what it wants to be / wants for you?

When I consider these questions, curiosity once again leads me.

So far I’m finding myself gently integrating back into the new year. I don’t have any “big plans” as of yet; however, I am discovering an intention to feel good (in a healthy way)—and I’m effortlessly prioritizing that in my day-to-day life. This has been unexpected and quite delightful.

I’m also feeling an idea brewing for more writing and sharing with you. Once I’m clearer on that you’ll be the first to know!

For now, take a breath and see what gets revealed as you get curious about 2023 and the insights/gifts/opportunities it has for you.

With Fierce Loving,

Photo by Alex Gruber


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For Coaches: Launch Your 2023!


Your Game vs. Your Goal