How to find the ease in any situation.

At the start of each year, I pick a theme to help set the tone and remind myself of what I desire to create in my life.

For 2013, I have selected two: Ease and Surrender. Ease because I have a history of buying into work hard instead of work smart. Surrender because I want to be in flow and work with what is, instead of against it.

When I set these intentions, it felt really good. It felt like a step forward – moving more into alignment with Spirit. Little did I know how much this choice would bring challenge with it.

January has been one of the most challenging months I’ve had in a long time. I should say, challenging in a different way than I am used to. It has been very full and demanding of my time. Not only professionally, but personally. It seemed like all at once bodyheart was expanding with new programs and events (yay!), my house was falling apart and at one point sewage was running down my front yard (gross!), my dogs were needing lots of attention as they adjust to each other and their new dynamic, and somehow my self-care was getting lost in the shuffle (big boo!).

Everything was time consuming. Nothing seemed to have an easy fix. And it just kept happening over and over. It felt like getting knocked over by a wave, only to get back up to get knocked over again. And again.

I found myself saying, “This is supposed to be my year of ease! Where is it?”

My recent trip to Vancouver offered a break. A break from my regular life and routine. It also provided me a mighty awareness. What I realized in the space away from home is that I created an expectation around what ease was supposed to look like.

Ease was supposed to look like no traffic. Like a new puppy that takes to potty training in a day and also instantly loves my other dog. Like plumbing and internet that are reliable and issue-free. It looks like having 48 hours in a 24 hour period. Basically, it looks like life on my terms…where obstacles come in when I’m ready for them and only one at a time.

Hello Fairyland. It’s so nice to meet you!

It’s pretty laughable really. It’s like I was asking God to conform to my vision. Silly, but totally what I was doing.

As I pondered the concept of ease, what I discovered was that it is really a state of mind. We can find ease within any circumstance, if we choose. And, there’s the rub. We have to be conscious enough to actively choose it. Like so much in life, right?

Moving forward, when obstacles come up my new plan is to ask myself, “How can I find the ease in this?” I believe my mind is very obedient. It’s like a computer, actively searching for the answer to my questions. And, I have a feeling that simply asking that question will be enough to shift how I’m holding whatever is currently in front of me.

Now, I’m asking you. Do you have any tricks for finding the ease in the challenge? I want to know. What works for you? Leave it in the comments below.

Thank you for sharing.



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