Let's break the rules, shall we?!
Over the weekend I assisted my coaches, Michelle Bauman and Carolyn Freyer-Jones, at a workshop they led for professional women.
These three days were powerful and transformative. The women who attended got so much value, including myself.One of the exercises they shared I found particularly poignant—so much so that it has inspired to me break some rules!
I love breaking rules, don't you?!

In essence the exercise is asking yourself two questions:
In order to have what I want, what do I need to do more of?
In order to have what I want, what do I need to do less of?
Obviously, the first step is dreaming into and getting clear on what it is you want and then from there, answering the questions.
Given this weekend was about work, here’s some of what I wrote:
Trusting MySelf & My Inner Guidance
Making Requests / Submissions
Writing (for my book!)
Connecting and Serving / Being Out in the World
Following what’s Fun
Beating Myself Up
In reviewing these lists, and choosing to honor myself and my values, I have decided to make a change in my email correspondence to you. In the past I did my very best to connect with you every Wednesday.
Starting today, I’m only going to write when I have something I really want to share with you. Something I consider highly valuable, inspiring, transformative and so on.
I’m no longer committing to a particular day of the week or frequency, like all the online business gurus say to do. Nope. I’m doing what feels good to me – and trusting that is the most powerful choice I can make.
I’m giving myself permission to break the rules.
Now, it’s your turn. I invite you to slow down today and consider what you want – in your life, in your work, in your relationship, in your body, etc. In a way, the more specific the better.
Then, ask yourself the two questions above – What do you need to do more of and then less of to have what you want?
Feel free to share your lists in the comments below.
I hope this process is as impactful for you as it has been for me.
See you sometime soon, I’m sure.
With love,