Only a few people signed up for my event!

Have you ever put yourself out there, and shared an offering—maybe a complimentary workshop or a paid group—only to have a handful of people (or less) sign up? Or maybe you don’t put yourself out there for fear this will happen? 

I feel your pain. 

As coaches, part of our job is to create offerings that will serve people. Those could be solely 1:1 offerings—which is fine—and, there is something different that occurs when it’s a group. We go public and that invites all our fears to the surface!

“What if no one signs up? What if I say it’s for ten people and I only enroll four? What if people think this workshop is dumb?” 

The what-if mind is truly stunning in its creativity. What’s even more stunning is that we believe the voice of judgment in our minds—that we’re a failure, not good enough, and that we’ll never be successful.

What would you discover if you questioned those thoughts?  

You’d likely see your growth and learning in real-time. You’d have more information about the skills you need to strengthen and or implement. You’d understand you’re playing a long game and this event with these FOUR humans is more than enough to create impact in the world. (I know this to be true. In one of the first groups I led I wanted ten and only had four. I served those four like crazy, and two of the participants have continued working with me in one way or another ever since.)

If you inquired into those thoughts you would ultimately stop focusing on yourself and get back into the world of serving. 

Every offer you create is an experiment. Some will fill quickly, like a big splash in the pool. Others will fill slowly like the first pops of popcorn popping. 

Your job is to take a stand for the event—to let your love for what’s possible for the people who attend to fill you up so much so that you can’t stop talking about it until it’s filled…or until it’s the “day of the show ya’ll”.

I’ve been in this profession for 14 years. I’ve led a lot of groups, and I will tell you every single one is different. 

Over the weekend I shared with my life-coaching list a new workshop I’m leading called, Bloom Like Spring. I have so much enthusiasm for this program—and, I only had a handful of people sign up so far. 

I saw my mental default program activate: “This is going to be hard. Your life-coaching community has forgotten about you. No one wants to immerse themselves in this topic. Etc.” 

I could get caught up in those thoughts, but that would be a distraction from action. My job is to connect with the reason I decided to lead this program in the first place and then continue to share about what’s possible by attending…and personally invite people to join me for this day. 

The “work” of enrollment now begins. 

I’m sharing this because if you’re a coach who offers groups the dance of enrollment never stops. No matter how big your community gets or how visible you are, your next level of growth and opportunity will always find you. That’s the way this business works. 

Accept it or don’t. The choice is yours. 

To your journey…and success!

With Fierce Loving,


ps: If you’re feeling uninspired or lackluster in an area of your life, join me for Bloom Like Spring! It’s going to be awesome.

Photo by Kyle Glenn via Unsplash.


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