Rewire your mind for success with this.
I’m experiencing a moment. I’m living the life I’ve been dreaming of for years—and I’m talkin’ years.
It didn’t happen overnight—and there’s plenty more room to grow—but when I pause to think about it, I realize it didn’t take all that long. I started bodyheart in November 2009 (having never taken a business class in my life) and by January 2014 I’m celebrating so many victories—1:1 clients, group programs, speaking and more.
Just last week I got the most enthusiastic email from a client I’ve been working with for two weeks who shared how she got her first $2000 client. I also got an email from a young woman I met after I spoke at a college who is giving herself permission to say no in support of her self-care. And, each week, I currently get to see tremendous transformation with the ladies inside my group program, Feel Good in Your Bikini. They are redefining their relationship with their body and discovering more compassion and freedom with each passing week.
I share all of this with you today to inspire you—to remind you to keep on going. Sometimes our dreams take longer than we’d like. They don’t come in our timing…they come in divine timing. And, in the meantime, our job is to keep moving forward, following our hearts, taking action and listening for feedback.
Honestly, during the times of struggle (which there have been plenty), I wish I had known about the book I’m sharing with you today. I’m currently re-reading it because it’s that good. It’s all about our mindset and how to rewire ourselves for greater success.
The first time I read it was when I participated in a coaching group with ten other coaches where the focus was on building a thriving practice. I don’t like to admit this, but I can be pretty competitive sometimes. There is a part of me that wants to be the best—and, in all honesty, expects me to be.
In this program, however, I was not the best. There was another coach who consistently had greater billings every week. I was trying, but not nearly getting the results she was…and that was painful. No, that wasn’t painful. What was painful was how I was relating to “not being the best”. I was judging myself as less than and not as good of a coach. I felt defective and unlovable in some way. This is what caused my suffering.
The beauty was I got to see how my desire to be the best—aka perfect—was inhibiting my growth. After only three weeks in the program, this brilliant book by Carol Dweck came into my life. It changed everything.

If perfection is a theme in your life—if it’s blocking you from taking action—get this book now and read it in full. You won’t be disappointed.
With Fierce Loving,