The question that stopped me in my tracks.

Do you know where you can find millions of dollars right now?

Recently I was flipping the channels and heard Joel Osteen ask this question—obviously it got my attention. I mean, who wouldn’t turn their head to hear more about that?

What he said next stopped me as I was getting up.

His answer: Cemeteries.

Not what I was expecting—yet, brilliant to highlight his point.

How many hopes and dreams are resting there? How many million dollar ideas that never came to be? That died inside with the person?

I was particularly struck by this, as I heard it right before my grandmother’s passing. At her funeral I couldn’t help but wonder if she had dreams that died inside with her? If she had any ideas she gave up on and never breathed life into?

I find this topic heart-breaking. As humans, we feel like we will be here forever, but we won’t. In truth, we only have a short amount of time on this planet—to do our thing. To share our gifts. To create. To love. To contribute.

Yet so many of us allow fear to get in the way of what’s inside our hearts. We play small for fear of what other’s might think, for fear of what other’s might say, for fear that we’ll fail and for so many other reasons.

Honestly, this is why I love coaching so much. It’s such a privilege to get to support someone in living beyond their fears and into their wildest dreams. In moving forward no matter what—so they can experience a life of greater joy & fulfillment and live more fully into who they truly are.

What idea is in your heart today that you haven’t yet given life to? What secret truth have you been afraid to do or say? (Click to Tweet!)

If you know in your heart you’ve stayed too long in a job or a relationship, what’s one action you can take to support yourself today? If you were born into a family of lawyers and are in law school but really want to be doing something else, how can you give voice to that today?

I was just talking with an inspiring young woman who shared how she left her doctoral program because she knew her heart was elsewhere. Now she’s preparing to work in the Peace Corps.

This is what I’m talking about. Honoring your heart takes courage. And, today I invite you to tap into your own courage and take action. It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small. You could buy a book or have a conversation or put a date on your calendar. This is about you taking a stand for what’s inside of you and moving forward.

I’d love to hear what you come up with if you are inspired to share in the comments below. (FYI – This could even be your action!)

Holding for your highest dreams.

With Fierce Loving,


How to STOP feeling guilty.


Testing vs. Trusting