discover live trust
six-month immersion to discover/live/trust your truth and expand your capacity to feel good
There is an innate Intelligence in life. You don’t have to look very far to see it.
Birds fly in formation and know when to migrate to warmer climates. Tiny acorns grow to become towering oak trees. And, most mesmerizing of all, caterpillars cocoon and transform into butterflies.
That same Intelligence lives in you.
Yet, as humans, we have an intellect that gets in the way of accessing this Wisdom. Our busy minds, anxious feelings, and trauma responses block the information channel.
We worry about paying the bills, get overwhelmed by demands at work, and feel anxious about the future for ourselves and the planet. We judge our bodies, our partners or lack thereof, our homes and careers as not good enough. We compare, appease, overeat, and over-drink, to avoid our feelings. We ignore symptoms in our bodies and believe something is wrong with us, yet put on a happy face for the world.
What if life could be different? What if you could harness Life’s Intelligence—and partner with it every day, in every way?
Fulfillment. Aliveness. Peace, and Feeling Good More Often
are waiting on the other side.
It’s time to
Discover Your Truth,
Live Your Truth
Trust Your Truth.
Rhielle Widders | mama, poet, life coach
"Amber’s Discover, Live, Trust Your Truth program was absolutely transformative. She is a master with programming experiences that uncover the most authentic version of Self.
I experienced profound shifts in the foundation of the presence I bring to life and was mesmerized as I watched life all around me shift to realign to my new presence. The tools offered are not limited to the program or the group allowing a deepening of my self awareness, self compassion, and self confidence to continue to bloom even after the program has ended.
The gratitude I feel for life after this program, and the joy I experience in my day-to-day are so different from before the program, that I am able to dream of my future in a radically new way. I feel honored to have been able to be a part of Amber’s inaugural group and to have been a part of this program."
“Peace is your home. Integrity is the way to it. And everything you long for will meet you there.”
—Martha Beck, The Way of Integrity
The quote above (from a fantastic book) encompasses the journey I’ve been on—and the reason I am birthing this program.
my personal experience
2022 was a year of big completions in my life. Our foster dog, Finn, got adopted. We stopped volunteering because the dog shelter moved to a different part of LA. I changed my role and participation at The CFJ School. A two-year lawsuit against my husband and I came to a close.
It was a lot of personal change. Honestly, I thought I would feel relief or excitement, but I felt flat, uninspired, and purposeless.
When 2023 came along I got clear my main goal was to feel good more often—in a healthy way (not through substances and infatuations). I wondered: How could I do this? What could happen if I made that the main priority?
What i’ve discovered so far
1. Feeling good more often is not only possible…we are designed for it, once we understand our make-up.
2. Feeling good is contagious—for ourselves, others, and our dreams. We become like a magnet in the world.
3. Your Sacred Center is oh-so-wise.
Sacred Center: Imagine a column of light in the center of your body that connects your thinking, feeling, and body sensations to Life’s Intelligence through the crown of your head down to the center of the earth. When that channel is open and clear, we are more able to align with our True Nature. When that Sacred Center is clogged by an active, anxious mind, shameful feelings, and/or body sensations that are ignored and stored, we disconnect from our Life Force and do life on our own.
4. Negative feelings aren’t bad. They are part of the human experience. Going into the anger, sadness, shame, guilt, and anxiety—getting comfortable with that discomfort—is possible and even enjoyable. Yes, that’s right—even enjoyable! And the more we welcome and allow our entire experience, the freer we are to feel good.
5. Suffering is an invitation. It’s in-the-moment information that lets us know we have unplugged from our Loving Source. Again, this isn’t bad. There is nothing to fix.
The good news is that we naturally return to our True Nature. And, we can support ourselves in those moments by going within and getting curious about/questioning what’s going on. We can tend to ourselves and soothe the parts of us that are buying into misunderstandings.
6. Our body is a powerful teacher. Understanding its language is a game-changer.
some of my results
• A profound, deeply trusting Partnership with Life.
• Feeling good 95% of the time—and meeting myself with compassion and curiosity when I don’t.
• A greater comfort in feeling feelings I don’t particularly like.
• $97K+ in unexpected revenue.
• Receiving two surprise refund checks in the mail. (I have never received unexpected checks in the mail.)
• Cracking the code on the chronic migraines I’ve had since 2009. (I’ve had as many as 15 per month. Now I have as little as two!)
• Clarity and courage to honor my wants and needs. I am only recently aware of how much I have been attached to being likable/friendly/easy-going. (This discovery came through questioning my migraines.)
• Greater aliveness and clarity on my mission/why I’m here.
• Clearer, firmer skin—especially on my face.
• Ease in caring for my body—regular pilates, sauna, and cold plunges. There is no resistance, only joy.
• Easily finding and creating the financial resources to hire a talented private chef to cook healthy and delicious meals in our home.
• A person enrolled in this program before I had it outlined or the details set!
• A new marriage—to the same man! One where I let my husband be who he is— mess and all. (I feel less upset, criticism, and blame towards him. It’s amazing!)
• Greater vulnerability and depth in my friendships—dropping the persona of “I have it all together.”
• Saying yes to new experiences (Evidence of Magic Mastermind, Byron Katie’s Nine Day School) and seeing how my ideas about who I am aren’t true.
• Greater creativity, a relaxed way of being and so much more!
Emma Nicol | leadership coach
"Before joining DLT I felt disconnected from my body and I lived in a mild state of fear and shame about my feelings which I found scary and hard to show, even to myself.
The launch retreat in Costa Rica was totally transformational. The combined setting, group of women and supporters, exercises and inquiry were beyond anything I had experienced before. Amber and her team created an exceptional environment of love, care, safety and permission. This allowed me to immerse myself in the process and shift into a completely new way of being – and this was only the beginning of the programme journey!
During the following 6 months the programme helped me to create a greater sense of trust and safety inside myself. Old stories and self-judgements (which in some cases, had plagued me for years), fell away and never returned. I learned for the first time, how to truly feel my feelings and not to be afraid.
Reconnecting with my body was magical. I now benefit from my accessing own deep wisdom and intuition and I know how to keep myself well-regulated and feeling great.
The result of attending the programme has been truly life changing. I can’t thank Amber enough for creating and leading the DLT programme."
Program focus
In this six-month journey, we will find out how good you can stand it!
We will prioritize YOU and consistently practice clearing your Sacred Center, so you can be more aligned with your Truth (and feel good nature). Then we’ll let Life astound you from there.
The key to feeling good more often (besides setting a clear intention) is to connect with your Sacred Center. The more spacious that channel, the more access to your Wisdom.
The channel gets clogged by your thoughts, feelings, and body responses/pains. For this reason, over our six months together we will enter a two-month: Thought Capsule. Feeling Capsule. Body Capsule.
Each capsule immersion is designed to reveal new information and release outdated patterns. We will shed old identities, practice tools to regulate your nervous system, and feel your feelings so that you can tap into the natural healing power of YOU.
We’ll unlock and dissolve patterns of perfection that robe you of the beauty of your current reality. We’ll dive into how much of your time you devote to being seen a certain way in the world—being likable, friendly, agreeable, etc. We’ll let go of fears of what others think, including disappointing or upsetting people so that you can be even freer to be YOU. We’ll stabilize your nervous system so that you can have more of what you really want. We’ll invite in more grace and less grit, and value softening, asking for help, and communicating more directly (with yourself, others, and Life).
I will provide practices for inquiry, feeling feelings, connecting to your body, and soothing your nervous system. Each participant will form their own regular practices and rituals in service to their highest learning per each capsule.
Enrollment is now closed. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when the program returns.
Your existence isn’t by chance. You are here for a reason, and Nature wants to use you to contribute to your life and the planet.
We will nourish this relationship with Life through daily day dreams. (I’m doing this with a partner right now and I am stunned by the results.)
Each morning you write what you would like your day to be (internally and externally) as if it’s already happened and then share your dream with your assigned monthly partner by 10am your time (via What’s App, text, or email). The next morning, before writing that day’s day dream, you go back and look to see how much of it came true and share that with your partner (via What’s App, text or email).
This isn’t about more being better. It’s about getting clear about what you want, asking for it, and priming your mind and heart to receive it. It’s also a way to build greater appreciation and trust in the Universe…and let go of attachment!
The day dream practice takes about five minutes in the morning and is required to be shared with your partner—both the day dream and the report on what’s come true. This activity is essential for the program. To ensure consistency there will be a $10 charge per day missed—unless you have consciously chosen to take a few days off due to a vacation or training.
The money collected each month will go to a charity the group collectively votes for each month from a list I provide.
Quality work is powerful. It’s a way into an experience without a lot of effort. I have used this process in other programs, so when my meditation teacher shared The Book of Qualities by J. Ruth Gendler, I knew I had to use it here. Each month of this adventure you will partner with a new quality. Three qualities will be assigned by me and three qualities will be chosen by you.
In your own way, you will explore the depth and breadth of the quality. For example: Pleasure. What would it look like and feel like to partner with Pleasure for an entire month? What would you discover about it through your thoughts, feelings, and body? What new Truth might be revealed?
Note: We will be partnering with perceived positive and negative qualities. Building strength and a habit of turning toward our more negative feelings is part of the recipe for feeling good. Avoiding those feelings often prolongs our pain. What might you discover if you were curious about Worry or Guilt? Maybe those feelings have a point? Maybe they are actually angels in disguise?
On the second monthly group call, you will share your learnings and discoveries from the month. This could be through simply reporting on your experience. It could also be through something more creative like a poem, dance, sketch, collage—really anything you feel called to share that captures your journey.
**The Book of Qualities by J. Ruth Gendler provided.
this program is not
This program is not about spiritual bypassing or buying into the idea that feeling good is “better”. This program is about honoring what’s true and authentic for you. That might be anger, sadness, or frustration. That might be moments of feeling like a failure and falling asleep to your True Nature. Learning how to be with yourself in those moments, and how to let those feelings FLOW through you in a healthy way is life-changing.
Honoring the entire human experience means allowing the bumps to happen. Most of us are conditioned not to do that. Strengthening that skill and even finding comfort in it is a way to build self-trust and self-love.
This program is about meeting your True Self—and being reborn into that truth time and again.
Chantal Breytenbach | life coach
"The Discover Live Trust Your Truth Program was life-changing for me. Over the course of the six months, I went from feeling disconnected from myself, being at war with my body, and not knowing what I wanted or how to express what I wanted, to feeling more at peace in my own body, trusting my own feelings more, and knowing how to be with difficult and even challenging feelings - including feelings like anxiety and shame. I learnt how to really meet myself in those spaces and to understand what feelings like anxiety and shame are trying to show me or teach me.
My life on the outside also got better. I created more financial freedom in my business. I created deeper intimacy and more partnership in my marriage. People have been commenting that I seem more calm, more relaxed, and more joyful. And I actually feel calmer, more relaxed, and deeply joyful, and aligned in my life now. I've learned the tools to be with my own body, and to explore my own feelings when upset inevitably occurs, in service of myself and others in my life and to live in partnership with Life."
what’s included
this very intimate journey is open to a total of 12 souls who want to play a bigger game, shed their limiting conditioning, and live a life according to their Inner Truth.
Program Dates:
Thursday November 9, 2023 and ends Saturday May 18, 2024.
discover your truth retreat
In beautiful Las Catalinas, Costa Rica
Thursday November 9, 2023
(arrive into LIBERIA airport by 3pm local time)
to Sunday November 12, 2023
(complete at 12pm local time)
All meals, single room and shuttle to and from venue provided. Travel to and from Costa Rica not included.
**In-Person participation is mandatory for the launch retreat.**
Our container will open at the beautiful Santarena Hotel in magical Las Catalinas, Costa Rica. The sandy beaches, gorgeous sunsets, nourishing foods, and sacred healing space at The Center of Joy provide a relaxing, heart-opening environment to kick off our journey together.
Here you will immerse yourself in the energy of Nature—allowing the environment to enhance your healing through inquiry, emotional release, somatic practices, breath work, play, and more!
These four days set the tone for this adventure. You will arrive as strangers and leave as family. That is my intention.
trust your truth intensive
in my office sanctuary in Los Angeles, CA
Saturday May 18, 2024
Lunch provided. (Travel, housing and all other meals on your own.)
**In-Person or Virtual participation is mandatory for this intensive.**
Also included:
Two 1:1 Coaching Calls with Amber (75 minutes each)
One 3 Hour Virtual Intensive (near half-way mark—Date TBD)
Two Group Coaching Calls Per Month (usually Thursdays 10-12pm PST)
Call One: Open Coaching
Call Two: Quality Discovery + Coaching/Capsule Activity
**Participants may only miss two calls max.
Two Month Capsule Immersions: Thoughts, Feelings, Body
Daydreams with Assigned Partner (new partner each month)
Partnership with Quality: Three assigned and three chosen by you (Monthly)
Book: “The Book of Qualities” by J. Ruth Gendler
Incredible Community: Research shows transformation occurs more quickly and with more ease when in community. This group will be made up of people who care about living a fully alive and aligned life—and who also want to make a difference for the planet. Each person is an evolutionary hero/heroine in their own right!
Private What’s App Group to stay connected between calls. This is where you can ask questions, ask for support, share your wins, and champion each other. It’s also where I will be sharing additional resources, discoveries, and guidance.
Bonus materials, resources and surprises from my past programs (The Rock Your Body Challenge, Nurturing Your Numbers, The Kindness Experiment, etc.) and others as inspired.
to apply
If you’re interested in participating in the Discover, Live, Trust Mastermind,
click the button below to apply.
*serious inquiries only
Enrollment is now closed. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when the program returns.
joining our retreat journey
Amy Taula: Breathwork Instructor
We are fortunate to have this powerhouse of a woman sharing her gifts and talents on this retreat. Amy is a holistic health advocate and practitioner. Her love of learning has led to various training in natural and spiritual practices including massage therapy, yoga, reiki, breathwork, sound therapy, and most enlightening, motherhood. She believes that every moment is an opportunity for expansion and growth if only we open ourselves up to be taught.
For more than a decade, she has helped hundreds of people harness the power of their mind, body and spirit, allowing space and guidance for them to experience deep healing and transformation. Amy is passionate about eternal expansion, being alive, and enjoying the human experience to its fullest. Through compassionate listening and an intuitive approach, she helps others go inward, live more intentionally, cultivate self-care, and step into their power. She is skilled at helping others find their own path to self-discovery, empowering and educating them on finding the healer and teacher within.
Certifications: 10 kids birthed from my body….and also LMT, RYT 200, KYT 200, RCYT 95, BTC, Reiki L1.
For this reason, there are two requirements for enrollment:
1. Fill out the application. *Applications will open when enrollment opens again.*
These questions are designed to serve you whether Discover Live Trust is a fit or not. Your answers will bring new insights and provide information for your next steps on your journey.
2. A long conversation with me.
If your application is accepted, I will reach out to schedule a time to talk. This conversation will be all about you and what you most want to create, as well as what’s in the way of that. Any questions about the program will be addressed at this time.
I’m committed to creating an experience unlike any other. One where each participant not only garners the skills and tools to have more of what they authentically want, but also feels connected to and inspired by the community—a community of pioneers wanting to usher in a better world for themselves and the collective.
to apply
If you’re interested in participating in the Discover, Live, Trust Mastermind,
click the button below to apply.
*serious inquiries only
Enrollment is now closed. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when the program returns.
The truth is: the world needs your joy and aliveness now more than ever. Stress and misalignment have created most of the problems our ailing planet faces today. Creative solutions, healing, and proper use of our imagination are far more available when we embrace and nurture our Truth.
The mission of this program is bigger than you. This mission is about waking up, plugging into our Divine Nature, and following Her Guidance to make a difference on this planet. You prioritizing your joy matters. Who knows what you will contribute and create for the rest of us?