Miraculous Results of My Surrender Experiment
I promised an update a few weeks ago with details about the process of selling my house. Which, by the way, is official. I am no longer the owner of the sunshine house. She is now sharing her light with a new family. (Scroll down for photo.)
This was my first time selling a house, so I wasn’t sure what it would be like. Would it be easy? Difficult? How long would it take? I had no idea.
And, what I can tell you is I made a choice from the get-go that orchestrated the most graceful, easy experience. I’m still stunned when I think about it. I can’t help but smile from ear-to-ear when I look back over the last few months.

That choice was: I decided to surrender the process to Spirit—to get out of my way and let Life do her thing. To NOT control the experience, but to be in flow with what was.
In today’s blog, I’m sharing the results of this subtle, yet powerful decision, as well as how I walked through it in case you want to test out your own surrender experiment and have your mind-blown too!
It all started with a book recommended to me by my coach—The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer.
It’s the first book I’ve read in a long time that I could NOT put down. I’m serious, I’d be out at dinner with a friend and think, “I can’t wait to get back home and read this book.”
Who was I? I’m not an avid reader. In fact, reading tends to make me fall asleep; thus my love of Audible. But, for some reason, this book had me hook, line and sinker.
The Surrender Experiment was demonstrating an entirely new way of being in the world—one where Grace was at it’s foundation, instead of control, struggle and fighting reality. It felt like it was speaking to me on a deep level and inviting me to play in a way I never considered. In a new realm of possibility.
One of the primary principles of the book is the idea that Nature doesn’t mess up. That She has an innate knowing for what is needed and will best serve. All we have to do is allow Her to do it.
And, that idea set up the rules for my game—the game of selling my house. With this, I decided to run my own Surrender Experiment.
What I did was deceptively simple. I set intentions for how I’d like the process to unfold. Things like:
I intend for my tenant to find a new place a week before her required move-out date.
I intend for very little repairs so we can list the house in a timely fashion.
I intend to sell the house quickly with grace and ease.
I intend to list the house by xxx date.
I intend to have only one thriving open house.
I intend to know exactly what price to list it for.
I intend to receive multiple offers.
I intend to sell the house above asking price.
All of these intentions and a few more were formed and released to Spirit—including, this or something better for the highest good of all concerned.
See, that’s the part I struggled with in the past. I wanted it to be my way, so I didn’t actually let go and flow with what was. I tried to control the experience in order to hold onto my vision.
This time was different. I whole-heartedly let go and trusted.
That didn’t mean I didn’t have moments of doubt and concern. “What if the house doesn’t sell quickly, then we’ll fall out of escrow on the new house we want! What if we don’t get our asking price? What if the renter can’t find a new place in time? What if???”
And, each time those thoughts came up, I reminded myself of another principle from The Surrender Experiment—I am not my thoughts. If I can hear them and see them, then they, clearly are not me. They are just my ego-referenced thinking, my chattering mind, that I don’t have to accept as true.
I practiced this time and time again. Reminding myself to trust that Life has my back. That no matter what, I would be ok. I would sell my house at some point. And, if we fell out of escrow on the new house, then that house wasn’t meant for us and we would find something even better. What I discovered was that I could relax in God’s hands.
Every single one of my intentions came true. My tenant got out early. The repairs were minimal. I was able to list by the date I wanted. I was so clear about the price of the house—even the list price had significant meaning. We held one open house and had 51 people come through. We received three multiple offers over asking price. And, the rest is history.
Needless to say, my mind was blown.
Could it be that simple? Could Life really know better than me?
My answer to that question is yes. And, I actually find a lot of comfort in that. I don’t have to know all the answers or do it all on my own. For me, that is radical!
You now know what I did and the results that came out of my internal and external actions. Maybe you feel inspired to test out your own Surrender Experiment? Boy, if you do, I’d love to hear your results. And, if you have questions about what I did, you can share those in the comments below.
May you experience the tremendous gift of allowing Life to lead.
With loving,