A Special Mother's Day Video for You.
Today, I’m celebrating early. I’m not only celebrating my mom (see below—aren’t we cute?!), but I’m also celebrating the mother within all of us.

In the video below I share another way to view Mother’s Day and offer an invitation for you to cherish someone else on this day as well.
Head’s up – Important parts to pay attention to:
1:40 Powerful exercise
2:00 Story about a client using the exercise
2:54 My personal “ugly” story & how I used the exercise to support myself
Some good stuff awaits. Click play to watch below.
Here is my “ugly” photo – I mention in the video. [FYI – I don’t think it’s (I’m) ugly anymore. That’s the power of healing.]
In the comments below, I invite you to share your experience, learnings and next actions with us.
Thank you for reading and sharing.
With loving,