Luxury or Necessity?
I’m back from my European adventure! Well, kinda.
I got in late last night and am spending today adjusting back to regular life. I set this up intentionally before I left – a gift of a day of nothing. Full white space on the calendar, instead of jumping right back in.
I find this incredibly valuable for my health on ALL levels… and I invite you to try it after you return from your next holiday.
As magical as this trip has been, it has also provided some powerful lessons – especially around the importance of unplugging and taking time to just be. I’m still processing all of this and will most definitely be sharing more with you in the upcoming weeks.
For today, I wanted to tell you about a decision I made while away. This decision may sound simple or silly to you, but it really wasn’t to me.
I’ve decided to learn French!

No big deal on the surface. YET, if you go a little deeper, there’s a whole world of learning.
See, I’ve always wanted to learn a language other than English – BUT, I never made it important enough to do something about it. There always seemed to be a more pressing priority in the way. Something in my business or just the regular grind of life.
Taking on the project of learning a new language felt like a luxury instead of a necessity. Can you relate?
What’s that about? Why is it that something that causes our heart to sing – and get excited about life – feels like a luxury?
I love learning new things and yet, I don’t often give myself permission to do them. Some things on my list are:
French (and Italian!)
Rock Climbing
Salsa Dancing
Writing a Book
& more!
Today, I’m giving myself permission to take on one of these projects – along with all the fears and excitement and reward that comes with it. I’ve decided that my heart projects are just as important as paying my bills and walking my dogs.
In fact, I suspect they are even MORE important.
I’m curious about what’s on your list? What’s inside of you that you are putting on hold because it doesn’t feel important enough? Because it feels like a luxury?
I invite you to share your heart-project list in the comments below and maybe even give yourself permission to take on one of them today too.
Why not? Life is short – so take this as a nudge to live more fully who you are.
I’m so excited to see your heart projects and celebrate them with you.