Are you putting up with this too?

Over the last week, I’ve had the privilege of having powerful conversations with women about the Rock Your Body Challenge. It’s one of my favorite things to do – talk to women and learn more about them – their hopes and dreams and what’s in the way.

One particular conversation stood out to me. I was talking with a woman I met for the first time at the in-person workshop I led just a few weeks ago. The instant she walked in the door that day, I was so taken by her radiance. Her big, beautiful smile – bright, kind eyes…if you saw her walking down the street, you would think “this woman’s got it”.

In our hour long conversation she opened up and shared vulnerably about some of her biggest concerns – figuring out her purpose, figuring out her career, dealing with the pressure of being at a certain age and not being where she thought she would be by that time. (I can certainly relate.)

She talked about her body a little bit, but said it wasn’t as pressing as the other things…until she made a huge awareness.

She said: I guess I don’t think it’s really possible to love my body, so I don’t put much energy into it.

Which wasn’t actually true. She confessed she spent lots of time thinking about it – critically. Judging her body as not good enough and, just sort of resigning herself to the idea that this was her body and life. Those thoughts would always be there. There was nothing she could do.

She’d tried for years to change her body – eat better, exercise and nothing really helped with her negative, judgmental thinking…

I shared that I too didn’t think it was possible to love my body in the beginning, but I was willing to try – and that willingness changed my life forever. She signed up for the Rock Your Body Challenge on the spot.

I’m sharing this with you today because a lot of women “put up” with things. We settle. We resign ourselves and view things as just part of life. We give up.

When we do this, we actually limit what’s possible.

And even more than that, if you are settling in one area, you are most likely doing it in other areas too. How we do one thing tends to be how we do everything.

If you are settling when it comes to your body, where else might you be settling? In your job? In your relationship? With your kids? What about even on a smaller scale – just accepting that little annoyances are ok and a part of your regular life?

I started to settle when it came to my migraines. After 5 years of experiencing them and doing everything I knew to heal them, I started to wonder if they were just going to be in my life forever.

And, you know what happened when I thought this way? I got depressed. I felt less alive and vibrant. I expected the pain and made my plans based on it. I stopped exercising as much because I thought that contributed to the pain. I pretty much saw myself as broken – and my life started to shrink because of it.

And, it sucked. I didn’t even know I was doing it! I wasn’t conscious of it.

You may not be conscious of where you are settling or giving up in your life right now either. And, that is the point of this post.

We can’t change what we can’t see – and it takes real courage to see. So, I invite you to look. To face the hard stuff so you can do something about it.

Life can be as amazing as you are willing to allow it to be!

When you pause to consider where you may be settling, if you discover you don’t think it’s possible to love your body – that you have to just “put up” with it – you are the exact best person to participate inside the Rock Your Body Challenge. The virtual women’s group I’m leading starting October 12th for only 25 special women.

If it would serve you to see how it can help you transform from “settling to celebrating”, I’m willing to talk with you personally. In fact, I talk with each participant before the program begins to ensure the highest level of service inside the RYBC community.

All you need to do is send me an email and I’ll take care of the rest.

Sending you light ahead for living your fullest, most radiant life.


ps – If you are curious about what the Rock Your Body Challenge is all about – check out the fun, super rad RAP video I made for it. It’s guaranteed to brighten your day.


Body. Money. Man.


This was Offensive to Some