Behind-the-Scenes with Amy Hruby

It's time for another episode of Behind-the-Scenes for Coaches. 

If you aren't familiar, this audio series features real conversations with coaches about what it takes to create and maintain a successful coaching practice.

If you've ever struggled with the sincere question, “Is my coaching good enough?” or felt like you needed to be polished in order to be successful or that your dreams weren't big enough, today's guest has got you.

Amy Hruby is not only an incredible coach, wife, and mother, she is also one of my amazing clients. 

Amy's journey to coaching and to her belief in herself is rich with learning and inspiration. Her dedication to growing herself and partnering with Spirit is part of what makes her such a strong leader. 

She is one of the most authentic people I know. There is no pretense with Amy. What you see is what you get—and this gives permission to each of us to do the same.  

Our conversation was so fun and REAL. It's waiting for you below. 

In this episode you'll hear:

  • how Amy's upbringing impacted her money mindset and how she shifted beyond that for her entire family.

  • her best strategy for success in her first year of coaching and how she crossed the six-figure mark that same year.

  • how she partners with Spirit in her work and how she's developed trust in that partnership.

  • why she became the founding director of The CFJ Coaching Success School and why she chose to let it go a few years later.

  • how she took a month off from work, bought her first house in LA and so much more!

To receive this episode and join a community of committed, inspiring, coaches, fill out the form below.


behind-the-scenes for coaches

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There is a correlation between the impact of your coaching and your bank account. The more depthful and transformative your work, the more a client's life changes, and the more your bank account grows. 

One of the best parts of this business is how it requires us to always be learning, applying, and up-leveling ourselves and our work. 

If you're ready to discover an embodied, holistic approach that meets your clients in profound ways, I invite you to check out my newest mastermind: Discover, Live, Trust Your Truth. 

This program isn't for coaches. It's for anyone who wants to live their fullest human potential.

I have found that the most profound tools are the ones that have worked for me. I am the first to experiment before sharing anything with my clients. And, let me tell you, the tools and techniques I'm teaching in this program are beyond anything I have ever encountered. We'll work on five levels: Thought, Feelings, Behaviors, Somatics, and Spirit/Intuition.

June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.

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