Behind-the-Scenes with Sarah Auda

Today I get to share one of my favorite people and clients.

I have partnered with this person over the last six years and witnessed her dedication, tenacity, and willingness to create a life of her wildest dreams. She is a true example of someone who said “yes” to her heart's desire—even at a time that didn't make sense to her logical mind. 

She is one of the most intentional people I know. That intentionality has created not only a deep impact in her work (yes, her clients are thriving!), but also a whole-hearted life where she devotes solid time to being with her daughter, nurturing her friendships, caring for her health, and more. 

It's a joy to introduce you to the next guest on Behind-the-Scenes for Coaches: Sarah Auda (formerly Goodson).

In this episode you'll hear:

  • The life-changing event that woke her up to leave corporate (after 15 years) and start coaching 

  • How many enrollment conversations she had in her first year, plus her fees, and income generated.

  • The question that brings her back to her North Star. 

  • How she let go of dysfunctional striving and allowed more grace into her work and life. 

  • Her journey from "not enough" to "enough".

  • What drives her creativity and how she decides what to launch.

  • and so much more!

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behind-the-scenes for coaches

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June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.

Happiness is a Direction, Not a Destination.


How to Give Yourself Grace