From Fear to Faith
Photo: Guilherme Stecanella
Last Sunday Los Angeles received a deluge of rain and wind from a once-in-a-century tropical storm. (Gratefully, we are fine and so is our home.)
To get a sense of what was coming my husband and I tuned into the news. From the reporting we saw you would've thought Los Angeles was preparing for the end of the world! The level of fear and worst-case scenario reporting was stunning.
I felt my body shift from a sense of peace and preparedness to a feeling of constriction and worry. Would we be ok? Had we done enough? Should we do more?
The message I was receiving from the outside was in direct conflict with my own knowing inside.
After an hour we turned off the television, tuned into our hearts, got out the generator just in case, and then went on with our day.
We reconnected to Faith. Faith in ourselves that we would meet whatever the storm brought, and faith in Life that it knows what it's doing. We can only control so much. (I let go, relaxed, and returned to my center—which felt really good by the way.)
Fear and its many forms (anxiety, worry, anger, defensiveness, freeze, etc.) are a natural part of the human experience. I'm not suggesting we deny or ignore those feelings. Sometimes fear has an important message for us to pay attention to. And, when we don't anchor ourselves in our own truth, it's easy to let fear toss us around like a beach ball in a wave pool.
Putting Fear in it's Place
Animals know when to honor their fear. They also know when to honor their joy and knowing.
You are part animal, so this applies to you too.
You are far more resourced than you know. You have a treasure trove of wealth within your mind, heart, and body. There is deep wisdom available to you in every moment and you can train yourself to rely on that.
easily making decisions that work best for you and your family.
feeling confident in your yes or your no—and not needing to explain yourself.
being so anchored in yourSelf and what's right for you that you gracefully withstand judgment and criticism from others.
understanding the messages from your body, heart, and mind with clarity and ease.
knowing how to respond to your feelings or body sensations in a healthy way at any given moment.
feeling not alone as you do life.
living life with the most loving, wise guide by your side.
How would your life be different—your day be different—if this were your way of being?
You are a walking gold mine of wisdom, energy, guidance, inspiration, and loving. Every answer to every question is waiting inside of you to be discovered.
If fear (and all its flavors) tends to take you out of the game of life, there is another way. One that is reliable, trustworthy, abundant, and peaceful.
There is no better time to devote to this journey. The world's challenges are only increasing which breeds more fear. We need people who know how to plug into Faith and Truth to lead the way.
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With loving,
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