Give a little, get a lot
Recently, a lovely young woman shared with me how much she longs to be in a relationship. We talked about how most of her waking hours are spent analyzing conversations and text exchanges from the dates she’s been on— “Is this guy the one?” “Why hasn’t he texted me back?” “What does he mean by this?” “Should I have said that?”
She was exhausted from this obsessive thought pattern, yet couldn’t seem to drop the habit. And worse, her desperation was blocking her from seeing the awesomeness of herself and her life now.
I could so relate. I’ve experienced periods of obsessive thinking about my body, men, and my work. It’s so seductive—jumping on the “runaway thought train”—even when we know it won’t take us anywhere we want to go.
As I continued talking with this woman, I asked her about her relationship with giving—specifically, volunteering her time to an organization she cares about. I brought this forward because I have found giving to be a very powerful antidote for obsessive thinking and feeling stuck. The act of generously contributing automatically shifts your perspective. You stop focusing on your ‘problem’ and instead, give your heart to the activity in front of you.
Because of this and many other reasons, I make volunteering a priority in my life. For some time now, I’ve been a supporter of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary – Los Angeles. Why? Because I freakin’ love dogs. Their pure loving and play make me happy. (Here’s a pic of my recent hiking experience with Boo. She got adopted a week later!)
If you’re in a moment in time where you feel stuck or unhappy, I encourage you to give volunteering a try. See if it brings you new insights or a shift in perspective.
If you’re curious about how to get started volunteering, it’s easy. You can Google volunteer opportunities in your community. You can also visit sites like: VolunteerMatch or Catchafire to find local opportunities and to find international skills-based volunteer projects. If you’re in California, another great resource is
The most important thing is not to pick something you think you “should” do—rather, attune to something that really speaks to you, a place you feel called to. Then just give it a try and see. You may be amazed at what you experience—in the best way possible!
I’m here to support you in this, because I believe in it so much. I’m leading a Go-Give Challenge for the month of May—and you’re invited to join me!

My intention is to support people in experiencing the abundance that comes with giving. If you’d like to play along, simply share your experience of giving on Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to tag me in your post—@amberkrzys—so I don’t miss it. I’m including everyone who participates in a raffle for some fun summer prizes!
The Go-Give Challenge starts now and closes at 11:59 PM PT on Thursday May 31st. I’ll randomly select three winners and announce them on June 16th—after I’m a married lady!
To read more details (including what the prizes are), click here.
Wishing you deeper fulfillment as you share your generous heart.
With Fierce Loving,
PS: I recently announced that I’m accepting three women who are ready to say YES to their own body healing and liberation into a three month program with me. There are two spots left. I’m in the process of setting up conversations about this special experience now. If you’d like to know more, email me at