Rappin' and Insta-Transformation

Before I get to this week’s “InstaTransformation” post. I wanted to share something fun with you!

I had the privilege of getting to see my incredibly talented friend, James—who also happens to be the writer of the RYB Rap—in an improv show. This man has got mad skillz. He and I took to the streets of Hollywood to spread the word about the Rock Your Body Rap. Take a look at our impromptu performance below.

Learn more about the 56 Day Rock Your Body Challenge here.

Now for our regularly scheduled programming.

Two weekends ago I volunteered at an Alison Armstrong event called, Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women. This workshop is designed to help women better understand men and ultimately create better relationships with men in general.

I took this course years ago and forgot the profound effect it can have. Women arrived on Saturday struggling in their dynamic with men. They described men as cheaters, liars, users, abusers, unreliable and so much more.

In their experience men had continually hurt and disappointed them and they were frustrated, doubtful and losing faith in the opposite sex. They hoped their relationships with men could be better, but they weren’t sure how or what to do.

And, sure enough, this workshop was their answer.

By Sunday afternoon, the ladies were transformed. Instead of viewing men as users and abusers, they used words like loving, generous, kind, and courageous to describe the opposite sex.

Now, what happened in those two days? Was it a miracle? I don’t think so. It was that they, probably for the first time ever, got an inside view of how a man operates. How he thinks and why he thinks that way. This was empathy in action.

And, it was life-changing.

As I witnessed their incredible transformation, I couldn’t help but think about how many women are continually disappointed and frustrated by their body. How hopeless and stuck they feel in their skin.

The work I do is very similar to Alison; only, mine is about shifting your relationship with your body and ultimately, yourself.

Maybe you’ve struggled with your body for so long because, at the end of the day, you don’t fully understand it.

I’ve witnessed women enter my programs and describe their body at fat, ugly, deceptive and against them, only to (in a matter of a few weeks) say the opposite—My body is amazing. My body is beautiful.  My body is my friend.

Did their body change? Maybe a little. But the profound shift happened because their mindset changed. They finally understood their body. They learned it’s language and that freed them from the cycle of constant disappointment and criticism.

This, my dear, is also available to you.

Transformation can happen in an instant and is available to all of us. All you need is willingness and a little courage to try something different.

And, if you’re ready to try something different so you too can say. “My body is amazing. My body is beautiful,” I invite you to join me in the 56 Day Rock Your Body Challenge.

Enrollment closes in 2 days and will not be offered again until Fall 2014.

If you feel inspired to join me or learn more, click here now.

I’d love nothing more than to be your fearless leader and guide in this new body crusade.

Happy October!


Are you sourcing from your fear?


I'm just gonna love you