I'm just gonna love you

Over the weekend I got some great gal time with my pal, Melissa, in Santa Barbara. I also just happened to bask in the beauty & joy of Jason Mraz.

Sometimes people come along in life who realize their innate talents and share them with the world. Jason is definitely one of those people. I couldn’t help but fall in love while in his presence.

I fell in love with him, his music, the people around me, my life and so much more. It was definitely a special moment that will remain with me forever.

I was struck by a line in one of his songs, The Woman I Love. It says:

“I’m not attached to any way you’re showing up
I’m just gonna love you…”

Think about that for a minute. How would your life be different if you weren’t attached to the way people showed up? If you could just let them be who they are and love them anyway.

That’s powerful.

Even more powerful—and what I really wanted to share with you…

What if you weren’t attached to the way your body was showing up? What if you could just let it be and love it anyway?

Now, that’s the real opportunity for us all. Your body is an innocent bystander to your thoughts and actions. All she (or he) is ever trying to do is keep you healthy. That’s it.

And, in exchange, all she wants is to be accepted and appreciated. That’s all any of us want, really.

Today I thought I’d give you two ways to cherish your amazing body:

1 – Lay Your Hands on Her

Touch her. Don’t be afraid. She is yours.

Touch is a powerful healing agent. Think about what a hug can do for you on a bad day. It has the power to turn your frown upside down. So, why withhold that from your body?

Right now, I want you to take 30 seconds and place your hands on a part of your body you dislike. A part you wish were different. An area you think is gross. And, I want you to simply hold your hands there and say “I’m sorry.”

That’s it.

It may feel strange at first, but that will shift, the more you do it.

I’m sorry has the power to drop us into our heart space so we can wrap ourselves up in compassion. That compassion becomes like a soft blanket to your thighs, arms, tummy and any area you aren’t particularly fond of.

I believe healing is about reintegrating the parts we’ve cut ourselves off from. This exercise is a fantastic start.

2 – Say Thank You

Once you feel comfortable following through on step 1, I want you to add some gratitude to the mix.

Right after you place your hands on your body and say I’m sorry, I want you to also say “Thank you.”

That’s it.

Again, very simple by design, but profound in execution. BUT, you have to consistently practice this one to reap the benefits.

It is possible to love the body you’ve been given. And, next week I’m going to be sharing some more ways you can do just that.

In the meantime, leave a comment below sharing your experience with this exercise. How did it feel? Was it strange? Exciting? I want to know.

And, if you liked these steps, click the share buttons below.

Wishing you unconditional love,


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