Is your definition of success helping you?
I’m in creative flow at the moment preparing for my sold-out workshop this weekend, where a group of solopreneurs will come together and claim their vision for 2016! In gathering my ideas for what I wanted to share with them, the concept of success came forward—and how so many people have a limited definition of it.
I don’t know if you can relate, but I find that a lot of my business coaching clients (and even colleagues) have a definition that is linked to some type of external goal / approval / validation. The dreaded “I’ll be successful when…”
I’m definitely familiar with this way of living because it used to be me. I thought I’d be successful when I weighed 120 lbs or fit into a size 2. (Even though that’s not the size my body wanted to be—I was still attached to having it.) I thought I’d be successful when I made my first $100K. Well, I did that, only to set a new goal of $200K. And, I soon as I did that, the goal moved to $300K. Ultimately, never allowing myself space to feel like a success. I was immediately onto the next.
The culture we live in perpetuates this way of thinking. More is better. Go big or go home.
Quite honestly, this type of internal operating system is exhausting…and somewhat boring! The game of having something outside of you dictate your value and level of success is a slippery slope. In fact, it’s one you will never win. Which is why I love the book I’m recommending to you today. It really helped me to see that more clearly and create a new relationship and definition of success for myself. One based more in my heart instead of my head.
This book is called Authentic Success by Dr. Robert Holden.

I’ve personally worked with Robert and absolutely adore him. He is a gem of a human being—so authentic and willing to share his experience and wisdom in service to the greater good.
If you are finding yourself suffering from an externally-driven definition of success, get this book right now.
And, if you do, let me know what you take away from it.
Thinking of you and sharing one of my favorites with you today.
With Fierce Loving,