What Are You Waiting For?
Last weekend I attended Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within along with 9,999 other people. It was my first live Tony experience and it was like a personal development rock concert! I’m serious—a rave of music, madness, lights, dance, unstoppable energy and personal power.
It was intense and inspiring. So inspiring, I walked on fire! Yep—I’m a firewalker, just like Oprah. Tony spent close to five hours preparing us for the walk, which was a bit much for me. I just wanted to get it over with. I didn’t think about what a badass move it would be or the bragging rights I’d get after!
Tony shared a story about how he put himself into an environment before he was ready. He moved into a castle (literally) before he had the money. He made $38K the year prior and the lease on the castle was way out of his price range. Yet, when he stood inside the majestic stone walls he viscerally and energetically experienced a new vision of his life. He had a direct knowing. I don’t always advocate this, but he put himself in a position where he had to stretch into a bigger version of himself. He couldn’t keep his $38K mindset and live in that castle. That year he went from making $38K to $1M.
Tony’s story got me thinking about waiting. Many of us wait for the perfect circumstances to arrive before we take action. We wait to lose weight before we wear a mini skirt. We wait to have money before we invest in a training program. We wait to get out of debt before we get into a relationship.
In essence, we wait to start living!
Recently, I led a workshop for twenty-five female solopreneurs.

We got real about standing up and owning what it means to be a professional woman and leader today. A lot of women don’t consider themselves “professional.” They think a professional woman wears a business suit and works eighty hours a week. At the workshop, I asked, “What is a professional woman?” We filled an entire white board with definitions, such as, exhausted, overworked, underpaid, and masculine. I was not surprised by these negative stereotypes. I used to think something similar. How could a professional woman be someone who wears pajamas to work?
By not owning that you’re a professional, it’s a disservice to you and your business. The professional woman has choice. She’s an owner of her life and work. She’s powerful.
We also looked at each woman’s relationship with money. If money were your significant other, would it feel nurtured? Do you look forward to spending time with it, or, do you dread and avoid it? How do you feel when you look at your bank and credit card statements? Do you even look?
It was time to get creative. I asked the women, “If anything were possible, if you could wave a magic wand and have anything you wanted, what would you create in the year to come?” Each woman responded in writing, then partnered up and acted out her answers. The room was electric with energy. Imagine twenty-five women, sharing from their heart, with passion and enthusiasm, stretching into a new vision for their life—and acting as if they’d already gotten it! It was exhilarating!

At the end of the day I announced my upcoming Coaching Immersion Adventure (also known as the CIA), a six-month business mastermind training for women with service-based businesses.
I spoke at length with one woman who calls herself a “skin therapist.” She helps people heal their acne from the inside out. Her work is pretty special, and, up until now, she’d only put energy into marketing through online platforms, which left her frustrated, tired and broke. I introduced her to Steve Chandler and Rich Litvin’s book, The Prosperous Coach, my coaching bible.
This work is about slowing down and connecting one-on-one with another human being. It’s about getting into their world, helping them solve their problems and manifest their dreams. Instead of advertising on Facebook and offering a webinar to the masses, hoping someone might sign up (hope isn’t an effective strategy), I encouraged her to invite people to speak with her, to have conversations, and make proposals if she felt she could support them.
She left feeling excited to test out this new way of doing business. She told me she was very interested in working with me in the CIA, but wanted to wait until she made the money first. (Keyword: Wait!)
Over the following week, she went for it. She had fourteen conversations with prospective clients—none of whom agreed to work with her. But, instead of feeling discouraged and rejected, it fueled her. She loved and believed in this new way of interacting with people and realized how little she knew about enrollment practices. She recognized she needed training and support, and that it didn’t make sense to wait. Choosing to be all in, she enrolled in my program, and, like Tony Robbins, said, “Yes” before she had the money.
In her very next coaching conversation, she enrolled her first $1200 client!
This is often what happens when we start before we think we’re ready—when we stop waiting and fully commit to our vision. We bring a different energetic to the table.
If you’re reading this and wishing you could bring in your first $1200 client or have your first $5K, $10K or even $50K month, then, the Coaching Immersion Adventure may be the ideal training for you.
This six-month program is being offered to eight highly committed, real-deal female solopreneurs. I’ve got four spaces left. I don’t take people in this program unless I whole-heartedly believe in them.
If you’re interested or would like more information, let’s talk. Email me at hello@amberkrzys.com we’ll get something on the calendar.
And, at the very least, check in with yourself to see if there’s an area of your life where you’re waiting. What would happen if just for today, you gave yourself permission to say “Yes” before you were ready?
With loving,