Lesson in Customer Service
I’m on an airplane from LA to NYC—heading to celebrate one of my best friends at her baby shower. Because I travel so much I tend to be loyal to one particular airline. I love racking up miles! But, today I’m traveling on a different airline. I had some miles on American, so I decided to use them.
I don’t know if you’re aware, but American Airlines has taken great strides in changing their image and making their planes better. I have to say, what I see is much improve. There is a section for first class, another seating section for business class and then economy class. There are individual televisions and more leg/body room.
I was surprised by this—in a good way. I thought, If American continues like this, maybe I’ll use them more often.
I even shared about it on Instagram:

Now, for the learning…
Their plane may be badass, but, unfortunately, their service is NOT.
This one flight attendant was so incredibly rude to me and everyone else. I specifically watched her interactions onboard and was stunned. She acted like she was inconvenienced by serving us.
I realize we are human and all have bad days. And, I realize that one person’s actions may not be a true representation of the whole…and, I am reminded that one person matters. Because of my experience today, I will think twice before I fly American again.
It doesn’t matter how jazzed up your program, product or service is if you treat people like crap.
Service is more valuable than more leg room.
How are you doing when it comes to customer service in your own business? This was certainly something I slowed down to think about after this experience. My intention is to take amazing care of you—my community. I aim for that with every email, social media post, call, program, etc. That is at my foundation.
Questions I’m considering: Is there anything I can do better? How can I serve more powerfully? How can I make every person in my community feel special—or at least like a human being that matters?
This would serve us all to remember. American Airlines too.
To your success and prosperity.