My Full Circle Moment!
Warning: This post was incredibly uncomfortable to share. It’s very personal and vulnerable. I share it with the intention to inspire and support you in living more fully into what’s possible – for all of us.
I just returned from an amazing trip to New York City.
What’s unusual about this trip was that it was NOT business related at all. It was a treat to myself for my birthday.
I stayed at a fancy hotel with a view of Central Park. I saw shows, saw friends, went to brunch, walked leisurely through Central Park, went shopping…AND paid for it all by myself.

That felt incredible.
In fact, when I checked into my room and looked out the window—directly across from me was the building where I temped at a law firm when I lived in NYC 13 years ago.

I was a struggling actress working a day job barely making $20K per year…dreaming of living the “good” life.
And, now, here I was (am). Living. That. Dream. Consistently making in a month what I was making in a year then.
How cool is that? This is a full circle moment.
You may be surprised to know that just a mere 18 months ago I couldn’t have treated myself in this way. I was in major credit card debt ($30K), constantly trying to get out from under that weight and pressure. I was trying to take my business to the next level, pay my mortgage, serve others, live a joy-filled life…all the while struggling and hating myself for getting into that position.
I felt cursed. Often hopeless and definitely like a fraud.
So, what turned it around? Three things actually.
I had been working a part-time job two days a week for a number of years – earning enough to cover my basic necessities. It was my security. It was money I knew I had every month. And that gave me a sense of peace…but it also gave me a lot of frustration.
It wasn’t what I wanted to be doing. It was mindless work that took me away from what I really wanted to be doing – helping others through bodyheart.
In reality, it was my crutch. It allowed me to continue to play out the belief that I couldn’t do it on my own. That I was not capable.
The image I like to use to describe these years:
It was like I was a bird trying to take flight. My right wing flapping like crazy trying to get off the ground – wondering “Why can’t I fly? What am I doing wrong?”. Only to look around (a few years later) and discover that my left wing was holding firmly to the ground. Afraid to let go.
When I realized this, I knew it was time to go. It was time to take the leap and commit in full to bodyheart. To be ALL in.
This was terrifying for me… BUT I figured, if I failed miserably, the worst that would happen is I’d have to move home and live with my parents. Not ideal, but I wouldn’t be out on the street.
And, at the very least, I would know I had given it my all…and it just wasn’t meant to be.
Fortunately, that is not the case. Turns out, taking that leap was one of the absolute best decisions of my entire life. I now get to do what I love and serve fully in my practice – be it with my private clients, group clients, speaking gigs, on this blog and more.
Let me be clear – I am not advocating you leave your “day” job. This is my journey and I’m sharing what supported me.
Let me also be clear, that leaving that job wasn’t the trick. It was only the first step. The next and probably most impactful was…
This was another really scary moment for me. How could I justify paying to work with a coach when I was being “eaten alive” by credit card interest rates and high balances? How could I possibly do that?
Deep down, the real question was – how could I NOT do that?
I had done all I knew to get bodyheart to where it was at that point, so if I wanted it to be even better, I needed additional support. I bit the bullet and paid the fee to start working with a coach.
Another decision that fits into the “Best Decision Ever” category.
I’m serious. Through working with my coach I started to understand my own value. I formed a new relationship with money. I started to understand what it meant to be a leader and how to truly serve others. In fact, I experienced a whole different level of what service really means and looks like.
Powerful. So powerful that I am continuing to work with my coach now.
I’m so inspired by all I’ve learned and experienced, I’m passing it along to 10 special women in my 6-month Coaching Immersion Adventure! This program is designed specifically for female coaches and service-based professionals to support you in taking your business to the next level. If you would like more information, send me an email right here.
The last and final step for my upgrade on life was and continues to be…
I didn’t really love this one – especially in the beginning. This one was/is about taking action that feels uncomfortable. Doing the things that you don’t feel good at. The things that feel scary.
This is another reason why working with a coach is so valuable. Working with my coach, I had to do it. And when I was afraid I couldn’t, I had someone else guiding me, reminding me I could do it and that it would get easier.
This may surprise you, but I was very afraid of working with clients 1:1 in the beginning. It felt heavy and far more intimate than what I thought I could handle. I mean, who was I to work with someone that deeply? Who was I to think I had the capabilities to support someone at that level?
Looking back now, I laugh. Oh the silly things we tell ourselves to keep us safe & playing small!
Turns out I absolutely LOVE working with people one-on-one. Supporting them in bridging the gap from where they are to where they want to be.
I adore my clients. It’s an honor and a privilege to know them and support them in such a deep, intimate way.
But, I never would’ve known that had I not taken new and different action – and kept doing taking new and different action. Even when it was highly uncomfortable.
Upleveling your life isn’t for the weak and weary. It takes commitment, determination and support. (Tweet It Out!)
If you are in a moment of struggle – be it with your own career or finances or weight or relationship, are you willing to give yourself a glimmer of hope from my story? More importantly, are you willing to take on one or all of the steps I share above?
Tell me in the comments. I want to hear from you. What struck you most from reading this blog? What new and different action can you take today? How can you be ALL IN in whatever you are wanting?
As always, I appreciate you and so value your presence in this community.
With loving,