On Saying Thank You

Eleven years ago yesterday I received a call from my best friend, now husband, that his mother died.

I was driving home from leading one of my first successful women's empowerment workshops and had just passed his exit on the freeway. I immediately turned the car around and went to be with him.

Every year on this day I honor her. Vince is the man he is—generous, kind, optimistic, loving—because of her loving and nurturance. She took a stand for Vince early on and her influence continues to guide his choices. As an adult he also returned her gifts of loving by being her champion.

They had (and still have) a special relationship.

We all have special relationships in our lives. None of us have gotten to the age we are without a champion (or two or more) in our corner. Someone who sees us and believes in us, maybe when others didn't or don't. 

When we look back at the past it's easy to remember the folks that hurt us. Our negativity bias often focuses on the pain first to protect us. 

And, if you let yourself look for your angels, you will find them.

Did a teacher notice your gifts?
A coach highlight your talents?
A mother/father/grandma/grandpa/aunt/uncle encourage you when you felt less than?
A friend open the door to a new opportunity?

Who are the people who lifted you up, believed in you, reminded you of who you are?

When was the last time you expressed your gratitude to them—if ever?

Well...there is no time like the present.

I invite you to explore your past for your champions. Make a list and let yourself take in the way they served you for the better. Then, pick one person and share your appreciation.

Send them a handwritten letter, a video or audio by text or email, and if they are no longer in physical form, a blessing of gratitude by prayer.

Your heart will guide you on what to say or do.

People are hungry for love. We don't see ourselves clearly, so when someone tells us who we are to them, it can make a big impact.

This is a gift you can give someone important in your world today. If you do, you may even find that you receive of the gift in ways you never expected.

If you want to show yourself how loved you are and have been through your life, this exercise will serve you.

Wishing you the gift of giving and receiving in the most meaningful way.

With loving,
ps: Thank you for your messages and comments about my recent Bucket List Adventure. I was (and still am) blown away by your kindness, loving and celebration. To complete the story I thought I'd share an update.

The entire experience was absolutely magical! Everything from getting hair and make up done to the hotel literally putting out a red carpet to feeling dapper with Vince and dancing the night away with our dear friends. It was a life moment I will never forget!

Turns out the dancing wasn't as formal as expected. All my angst in our lessons was so unnecessary. I let loose and had the best time on that dance floor. One of the most fun parts was getting Vienna sausage (not me, but the others) at a street vendor at 3am in formal attire alongside the locals in their gowns and tails. It was tradition and the perfect way to end a perfect night.

Thank you for taking the journey with me. Photos below.


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June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.


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