Progress Involves Risk
I finally did it. I am all moved into my new place and officially set up in my office – which I love so much. (See below. Ain’t she a beaut?)

One of the things I love the most is the quote on the wall:
“Progress involves risk. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.” – Frederick Wilcox (Tweet It!)
I’m not even a huge sports fan, but to me, this quote represents the process we all go through as we claim the life of our dreams.
Many of us want all the cards lined up before we leap. We want to know how it’s gonna turn out.
Are we gonna make it to second base? If so, how quickly? By a landslide or just barely making it? Or will we make it at all?
We try to figure it all out so it feels safe. And that defeats the purpose.
Progress involves risk. That’s it’s nature. Making more money, putting yourself back out into the dating world, losing weight and getting healthy require RISK.
The more we can anticipate and embrace that risk, the better we can respond when it shows up. For risk’s loyal counterpart is fear. Fear of failure. Fear of rejection. Fear of success.
And when we anticipate those showing up – we can work with them instead of against them. We can still hold our center and not waiver.
Today I invite you to take a look at your own life. Are you risking? My coach calls this living at your edge. For it is here that life is fully lived.
I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Where are you currently risking in your world? How can you amp it up? And, if you discover you have become comfortable and complacent, what can you do to progress?
Looking forward to seeing what you share.
With loving,