Success, Failure and Coming Home

Have you ever been in “it”? Where all areas of your life seem to be in chaos and you don’t know which way is up?

I was in a recent conversation with a woman I’ll call Jennifer. She is going through a significant break-up, finding a new home and also figuring out how to increase her income—all the while feeling like a failure.

Life can unexpectedly catapult us out of our known life—to the point where we feel like we don’t know who we are or where we are. This is exactly how Jennifer felt. Her external reality was changing rapidly. What she knew as stable and reliable no longer was.

Where was her stability now? What could she rely on?

These are the questions we slowed down on. I asked about her self-care/spiritual practice, and when was the last time she came home—not to her brick and mortar house, but her inner home of peace.

“In the eye of the hurricane there is quiet.” (Where my Ham fans at?!) And this statement is true. No matter what is unfolding around us, we can always come back home inside. 

Jennifer knew the place of stillness I was talking about. She also knew her embodiment practice could take her there, yet, she wasn’t doing it. She made a commitment to get to her mat that night—and she did. She was delighted with what she found—joy, peace and love were waiting. She found her way back to herself.

Elizabeth Gilbert has a brilliant Ted Talk on Success and Failure. I shared it with Jennifer—and I’m sharing it with you now.

No matter how far Life catapults us out of our normal reality, we can always come home. I’ll let Elizabeth explain more about what that means in her 7-minute talk.

After you watch, share in the comments what stands out to you. What is your “home”? And how can you come back to it today?

With Fierce Loving,
PS: If you’re a coach looking at creating your 2020, join me and my coach, Carolyn Freyer-Jones, for our next webinar: 2020—Your Best Year Ever! Sign up here.


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