{Video} How to use comparison FOR you

I don’t know of a coach, or human for that matter, who doesn’t drop into comparison from time to time.

We’ve all heard the quote by Theodore Roosevelt, “Comparison is the thief of joy,” which is true…and, it’s something more—something useful. It’s a mighty teacher.

One of the greatest and most powerful lessons of my life was learned through comparison. To this day, I am different in the best of ways because of it.

In the 4-minute video below I share what that lesson was and how I used (and still use) comparison for me, rather than against me.

Press play below to watch.

Afterwards, in the comments tell me what you’re committed to creating? How is comparison serving you now? Who is it helping you become?

I can’t to see what you’re discovering through comparison.

With Fierce Loving,
PS: My coach, Carolyn Freyer-Jones, and I are leading a webinar devoted to creating your 2020—and making it your best year yet. To sign up, click here.


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