Take This With You This Weekend
Photo by: Courtney Lindberg
How available are you to the magic of Life?
How open is your heart to receiving Life’s Loving?
Without realizing it, these questions powered my year.
I made a conscious choice at the start of 2023 to say yes more often—to open my heart to new experiences, opportunities and communities.
As someone whose comfort zone has been no, this was highly uncomfortable…and oh so worth it.
The results have been astounding!
I can't begin to share all of them. What I can say is that I've experienced more love, laughs, aliveness, inspiration and connection than I have in years. Old ideas about myself melted away allowing more of my True Authenticity to shine.
What stands out the most is the unshakeable Trust and Faith I have in Life (Creation/Love/Source/Nature).
Given all the injustice, division, heartache and war occurring on the planet at this time, this connection to Life feels like the biggest blessing I could ever receive.
What started as an intention to open my heart—to be more available to Love—has become a profound way of being and living.
I connect with Life each day in my meditation and journaling practice. I bring my whole self to this relationship. I give Love my rage, shame, fear, sadness, and worry, as well as my gratitude, kindness, compassion, and joy.
Through this process I've embraced parts of myself that I spent years denying and avoiding. I've expanded my integrity and grown my capacity to hold more pain and more pleasure.
This experience isn't unique to me.
Everyone has a relationship with Love and Wisdom.
How would you describe yours right now?
If you want to enhance your connection, you can in this very moment. Your intention and attention are all that's required. When those are applied they allow any relationship to blossom.
How different would your holiday weekend be if you brought 5% more of your intention and attention to receiving Life's Loving?
If you're yearning for a Christmas miracle, this, very well may be the way to it. Miracles occur for those who are willing to receive them.
If you celebrate, I'm wishing you a very Merry Christmas.
Thank you for being with me on my journey this year. I'm looking forward to more in 2024.
With loving,
ps: If you're a coach or you know a coach who's wanting to clarify their vision for 2024 and give it legs, I'm leading an in-person two-day workshop that's going to be off-the-charts! Check it out here.
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