To Reorder the World
I feel disappointed and sad for what America has become. I feel disheartened knowing so many women are losing a fundamental right to decide what is best for their body. The impact of this decision on every single person in this country (and across the globe) will be astronomical. All the systems—medical, healthcare, education, economic, foster, family programming, incarceration, etc—will be deeply affected.
If you are experiencing lots of feelings from rage to sadness to fear and everything in between, please take care of yourself. Recently I shared a blog with two playlists (one for anger and one for sadness) because music helps me let out my feelings and center back into my wisdom. You can access that blog and those playlists here.
I found the below post by Valarie Kaur to be a beautiful way to relate to what’s happening in the world. She includes other ways to be with your rage. Swipe through the photos on the post to see them. I highly recommend checking them out.

Lastly, if you or someone you know is in need of an abortion:
Plan C Pills for safe, at-home abortions
Abortion Finder to find a verified abortion provider
If you are able to and want to take action, here are recommended places to donate from the Anti-Racism Daily (a daily newsletter I receive and trust).
Donate to abortion funds, including Four Thieves Vinegar Collective, Keep Our Clinics, Abortion Liberation Fund of Pennsylvania, Buckle Bunnies Fund, SisterSong, the Afiya Center, and Indigenous Women Rising.
Be gentle and kind with yourself. Grief is a process. Let yourself despair so you can come back stronger and more fully aligned with Knowing the Light (Love) is always stronger than the darkness.
With Fierce Loving,
Photo by Marcel Ardivan.