All Good Things Must Come to An End

Everything in life has a timing. A time to say yes and a time to say no. A time to stay and a time to go.

We just wrapped the final class weekend of The CFJ Coaching Success School where 45 students upleveled their leadership, service, and generated $1.9M in total billings!

I have served as lead faculty since the inception of the school four years ago. This includes not only showing up each class weekend alongside Carolyn Freyer-Jones, but also inside the robust Facebook group, monthly reports and individual sessions offering coaching, teaching and Fierce Loving to the students. It has been a profound joy and one of the most significant professional wins in my life.


And, my role is changing.

Over the last year I’ve gotten clear that my next adventure is calling me. I don’t know what that is yet—and I’m willing to follow the inner guidance I receive. 

The best news is I still get to serve as guest faculty for The CFJ Coaching Success School and be part of an incredible community and force for coaches in the world.


Learning how to honor your timing (and/or Life’s timing) is a beautiful process and evolution. So is honoring the completion.

Whether you have a child wrapping up the school year, are ending a vacation, going through a break-up or taking your relationship to the next level, having a child, making a move, letting go of a job or taking on a promotion—every new beginning starts from a completion.

Most people look toward their next chapter and don’t pause to look back at where they’ve been. Carving out space to honor the path you transversed and who you’ve become to arrive to this now is empowering, life-affirming and wise.

Here are three questions I ask myself to honor significant completions in my life: 

1. What are at least three wins that occurred?
2. What are at least three learnings I never want to forget from this journey?
3. What are at least three gifts this experience gave me?

The answers remind me of who I am and add to the foundation I’ve established, allowing me to expand into the next with a more solid rooting.

If you’re in a moment of completion I invite you to ask the three questions above and see the beauty and wisdom of your answers.

With Fierce Loving,


The relationship between making money & service?


To Reorder the World