The relationship between making money & service?

Last week I led the Early Enrollment Bonus Class for Summer Camp for Coaches, Serving in the Close: The Most Powerful Way to Be with Objections.

It was a rich session and one I find so valuable for coaches to explore. The point of being with someone in this part of the process isn’t to convince them to work with you. It’s to deepen the experience and serve the person more fully—if they are willing.

Some of the most impactful coaching happens here because whatever is in the way is lived as if it’s TRUE.

Helping someone break-free of that conditioning—or to at least start to see the limiting assumptions they have running—will change the person’s life, whether they work with you now or not. And that is the point…Transformation.

The theme for Summer Camp this year is Service. There is a direct link between the amount of money you earn in your coaching practice and the level of service you provide.

Service is much more than what you do. Service is a way of being. And, the more you awaken to that, the more opportunity you see to make a difference in the world. From there, magic occurs. Your bank account increases. Clients come to you. Inspiration is more available. You are more open, cooperating and paying attention to life—and Life appreciates that. (What we appreciate appreciates.)

Service as a way of being is more than serving your clients and prospectives clients.

What about serving yourself?
What about serving your instrument—your body? Your mental health? Your emotional health?
What about serving your relationship with money?
What about serving your Creativity? Wisdom? Your family? And more…

Service is a dance that impacts every area of your life. That’s why it’s the focus of Summer Camp for Coaches this year.

We will be diving into your inner gremlins—and the way you block yourself from serving more wholeheartedly (from the overflow and not depletion) without attachment. Breaking up with some of these enemies and cultivating more of the qualities and understandings that increase your Service Consciousness—that is our focus. And that is enough to change your coaching practice forever.

There are THREE spaces remaining in Summer Camp for Coaches.

If you want in, sign up here.

With Fierce Loving,


behind-the-scenes for coaches

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