As a professional coach, you will likely face moments where money feels tight. Maybe the group that you were banking on doesn’t fill or a regular large-fee client doesn’t re-enroll or an unexpected life expense arises or something else.

The truth is, life happens. How you respond—in this case, when life negatively impacts your bank account—matters.

The first reaction is often FWP—fear, worry, panic. That’s ok. You can accept this initial response, and you don’t want to reside there. FWP creates pressure and urgency, and pressure and urgency act as a money repellent. They block creativity and inspiration, and produce desperation.

Instead, I invite you to follow the steps I’ve listed below. These are ways I’ve supported myself and my clients when I/they have a need to create money quickly.

The Inner Work

Everything starts with what’s going on inside of you. Your thoughts and feelings about money impact your ability to generate and attract it, as I spoke to above.

For this reason, you want to tend to your inner experience. Here are three ways to do that:

  1. Schedule FWP (Fear/Worry/Panic) Time I don’t recommend that you suppress and deny your feelings. If fear/worry/panic show up, honor them. Remember, all a feeling wants is to be felt.

    Block off 5-10 minutes each day of your ‘money crunch’ to let those feelings up and out. You could write all your fears on paper with the intention to release them, stream-of-consciousness style. You could play a song that matches the feeling and move your body.

    The key is to move the feelings through you. This creates space—and space helps to open to greater creativity.

  2. Bless Your Money Every time you pay a bill or spend money, bless it as it goes out. Ask that those funds serve the person and bring riches beyond measure. Ask that this money be returned to you three-fold.

    Every time you receive money, bless it. Ask that it bring you riches beyond measure and that it be returned to the person paying you three-fold.

    Money is an energy and a way we exchange value. Blessing it is a way of remembering this.

  3. Look For Abundance No one wants to feel not enough—and that’s what you do to money when you look at it through the lens of scarcity and lack.

    Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money, says, “What we appreciate appreciates.”

    It will serve you to build a practice of noticing and appreciating the abundance you already have.

    For example: You likely didn’t grow the food you ate for breakfast. Other people did that just for you. You didn’t install the pipes that allow you to have instant hot water in your home. Someone else did that just for you.

    Can you start to see, feel and let in how abundant you already are?

On The Outside

Once your inner world is more centered—or you’re at least supporting yourself in shifting out of FWP—you can move into external action.

The remedy for generating money quickly is CREATIVITY…and consistency. No matter how you feel, you want to clock in for work and do your part. Taking action shifts your state of being and helps you tap into the endless expanse of your creativity.

Here are three ways to bring in money quickly:

  1. Create a smaller individual package (4-6 weeks at a lesser fee or a 1-day intensive) for a max of five people. You could give it a fancy name like Bloom Like Spring, Summertime Reset, etc., and reach out to past clients or recent prospects who said no due to finances and invite them to a conversation about this.

  2. Create a larger package (10 months or a year for a higher fee) for a maximum of one or two people. Think of this as a VIP experience—an exclusive offering, that includes more access to you. The fee would represent this.

  3. If you have a solid community in place, you could create a half-day or full-day workshop and personally invite people to attend it. You want to give yourself at least four weeks for enrollment. Newsletter promos and social media posts are great—and the most effective tool for filling your workshop is personal invitations.I only recommend this option if you have a community already established.

There are always ways to generate money as an entrepreneur. Your creativity is all you need to assist in this. Find ways to nurture and cultivate that and you’ll be blown away by the ideas that come to mind.

Cheering you on as you continue to show up and serve in your work!

With Fierce Loving,


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June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.


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