Where Do You Place Your Trust?
Photo by Courtney Lindberg Photography
In my Discover Live Trust Your Truth Mastermind, we partner with different qualities each month. This month, our last in the program, we are exploring Trust.
What does it mean to trust? And, trust in what exactly?
We are always trusting in something.
We put our trust in our bank account, the number on the scale, our partner, house, and even our patterns of protection, worry and fear.
When trust is left up to the ego, it will always choose what it knows—patterns of protection, familiarity and certainty (FYI: This is why numbers can have so much power over us. Our egos think that's what keeps us safe and worthy.)
However, there is a much more stable experience of Trust available. One that isn't tangible. It's not something physical you can hold. It's more of a felt sense/inner knowing.
Divine Intelligence.
Infinite Supply.
Higher Power.
Each of these is a path to our Wholeness—the place where we came from before we were born and the place we return after we die.
The more familiar you become with this place…the more you can know, feel and embody it, the easier it is to lessen the grip of control and relax into the Divine Intelligence that's constantly running through you.
Nurturing this relationship takes your life to another level. It opens you to a stable, immoveable support inside that can never be taken away.
One you can always rely on and put your Trust in.
When you say you want to be more trusting or you need to trust more—what is it that you are putting your trust in?
The invitation is to slow down and find out. Get specific. That will anchor that place in your mind, heart and body.
If you want to share what you trust in, email me at hello@amberkrzys.com and fill me in!
Or, if you are looking for ways to make this inquiry easier to digest and experience, let me know. Growing my capacity to Trust Life has been foundational for my success, wellbeing…and way of being. It would be a joy to share more with you.
Wishing you a weekend of deeper Trust in yourSelf. (The capital “S” is intentional!)
Summer Camp for Coaches is coming back this summer and it's going to be better than ever!
The theme is IMMERSION.
The program is two months with a weekly teaching call on the most effective enrollment and coaching skills, plus an open Q+A call and private FB group with direct coaching, encouragement, and connection to the community.
Begins July 8th.
Limited to 16 participants.
6 spots remain.
If you're a coach and you want to know more, send me at email at hello@amberkrzys.com and I'll share the details. Of if you know a coach who would benefit from time with me, feel free to connect us.
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