The Easiest Way to ‘Sell’ Your Services
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Years ago when I was working with Michelle Bauman she would constantly tell me to slow down.
It used to infuriate me because I thought I was slowing down.
It turns out I had a lot of room to grow in this area. I'm grateful for Michelle's insistence and modeling.
Slowing down doesn't mean to do less—though it could. Slowing down refers more to your state of being.
A relaxed way of being equals an open mind, heart, and body.
An open mind, heart, and body can take in more information from the person sitting across from you. The more you see, the deeper you can take the work and the more impact you can make in one conversation.
Relaxed Listening is a key ingredient for slowing down. This is why it is a skill set we will focus on during Summer Camp for Coaches.
Note: Seasoned coaches, don't assume you already know this and don't need to look further. I'm still expanding my capacity for Relaxed Listening and I've been coaching professionally for 15 years!
A tight, constricted body, feelings of anxiety/fear/doubt, and thoughts concerning your money needs, doing the session "right", proving how valuable your work is, how you know better, wanting to be liked, and more affect your listening.
You won't serve as deeply or effectively when there's static on your listening channel.
The goal isn't to never have static. That's an impossible goal. You are human after all, not a robot. You will get out of balance from time to time—even inside coaching sessions.
The question becomes:
Do you know a) that you're dysregulated and b) how to respond and care for yourself before, during and after the session so that you can have a clearer channel to serve?
This is part of what we will center on in Summer Camp.
We'll also explore what you're listening for—with your clients and prospects, and within yourself!
So much information is translated in the space between you and another person. What's the subtext and context they are living in based on their words? And what's being expressed nonverbally? A breath, swallow, eye brow lift, even a hand gesture can open up a whole new world if we are full body listening.
Strengthening your ability to recognize what's present, trust it, and use it is the thing that helps you become a trusted source of transformation in someone else's life. And that's really what we are after in our work.
I hear lots of rumbling from coaches about how hard enrollment is. The thing is, when your coaching makes a real impact, your services often sell themselves.
Relaxed Listening is a necessary part of this equation.
Expanding your capacity for it takes time and practice. And, it's possible—as you've likely already experienced. You've discovered a new level of awareness in your conversations with others if you've been practicing and getting coached.
If you want to take that even deeper and give yourself more grace in your enrollment and coaching process, Summer Camp for Coaches is coming up!
Got questions or are curious about how this program would serve you, email me at I'm having conversations with coaches now.
To greater relaxation in your work...and life!