You Don’t Have to Change Your Money Beliefs

As a coach, you've likely examined your beliefs about money. Probably multiple times.

You've traced them back to childhood, journaled about them, rewritten them into more empowering statements, and tried to rewire your thinking. Because you believed that in order to have a different experience with money, you had to change your beliefs about it.

But what if that's not actually true?

What if you don't have to change your beliefs about money at all

What if the real shift comes from recognizing that you don't have to believe those thoughts in the first place?

Think about it. You've likely heard some version of these beliefs running through your mind:

  • Making money is hard.

  • Money doesn't grow on trees.

  • I'm not good with money.

And if you've done mindset work before, you've probably tried to flip them:

  • Making money is easy.

  • There is always more than enough.

  • I am great with money.

But here's the problem—trying to change the belief is just the mind trying to fix itself. It's the ego staying in motion, keeping itself busy.

Einstein famously said:
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

You can't think your way out of a misunderstanding.

These thoughts—the fear-based, conditioned beliefs—aren't coming from the truth of who you are. They are coming from a survival response, a psychological need for safety. The conditioned self is always chattering about something, scanning for threats, convincing you that if you just fix this one belief, everything will finally fall into place.

But here's the real game-changer:

You don't have to do anything with those thoughts.

Imagine you walk into a boardroom and see a five-year-old sitting at the head of the table, calling the shots. They're handing out reports written in crayon, making grand decisions about the future of the company.

You wouldn't take them seriously. You'd probably assume it was a prank.

But when it comes to our own fear-based thoughts, we don't realize the trick our mind is playing on us.

We take those thoughts as truth. We latch onto them.

And then we think we need to work on them in order to be free.

But what if freedom isn't about fixing anything?

What if it's about seeing through the misunderstanding—recognizing that those fear-based thoughts are coming from the equivalent of a five-year-old running a board meeting?

True wisdom doesn't come from the part of your mind that's anxious and grasping for solutions. It comes from something deeper. A stillness. A knowing. A spaciousness that isn't wrapped up in the panic of needing to figure it out.

And from that place, you don't have to change your beliefs about money. You simply see them and stop believing them.

And that is what shifts everything.

So What Do You Do Instead?

If you don't need to fix your beliefs about money, what do you need

A different relationship with the moment.

Because here's the truth: Money isn't what creates safety. Presence does.

And the more we drop into that place, the more we realize that life has always been taking care of us.
Even in the moments when it didn't look like it.
Even when the bank account was low.
Even when the survival fear kicked in.

Here's something to explore this week:

  • Notice when your thoughts about money speed up. When survival energy kicks in.

  • Instead of reacting, pause. Observe. Breathe.

  • See if you can recognize the pattern—be with it, rather than identifying with it or trying to solve it.

Money doesn't need to be fought or figured out. It simply needs to be seen for what it is—a neutral resource provided by Source, not a measure of your worth or safety.

And when you stop making it mean something about you, that's when things start to open up in ways you never expected.

Let me know how this lands for you. 

With loving,


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June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.

In the Middle of the Night