Your Body Is So Much More Than Meets The Eye
Photo: Courtney Lindberg
Last week I shared my chronic migraine journey and how I went from having as many as 15 migraines per month to having 2. This transformation wasn't because of a medication or something outside of myself. It came from a new awareness within me.
Below is a detailed account of how I used my new insights to create the lasting change I wanted.
Note: The focus of this article is on healing my migraines; however, physical pain isn't required to apply the learnings I share. You might work with a pattern of irritation or people-pleasing or something else. This process can be applied to any focus.
If you haven't read Part One, you'll want to do that here before continuing on to today's message.
Sometimes a new insight is like magic. It dissolves the old conditioning/story completely and no further effort is required. Other times a new awareness needs space to integrate and requires more attention to become a habit.
As you may recall, I used thought work to explore the belief “migraines are robbing me of my beautiful life”, which led me to two life-changing insights:
Migraines were helping me take care of myself and put myself first.
They also highlighted a hypervigilant part of myself that was constantly planning for every activity in my day-to-day life.
In an instant, I went from hating my migraines to having respect for them. They were here to free me.
How I Used My New Insights
Those awarenesses alone didn't stop my migraines. I had to apply the learnings in real-time to see the difference.
The good thing about migraines is that one can usually feel them start to form. When I felt the headache sensation in my body I used that as a signal to inquire within.
The first question I asked myself was: Do I have a need, right now, that I'm ignoring?
If my answer was yes, I gave myself that need. I asked for what I wanted. And, miraculously, I watched the migraine fade away.
If my answer was no, I asked myself a second question: Is my hypervigilant planner obsessing about something in the future?
If my answer was yes, I did my best to soothe myself and remember that I don't need to have all the answers in this moment. I can trust that Life will provide when it's time.
And, either answer, I also worked with my body.
Moving the Energy
Whenever I felt the sensation of what could lead to a migraine, in addition to the above, I connected with my body. I brought my awareness directly to the pain—which was usually at the base of my skull.
I felt that pain fully and began to see it as a ball of stuck energy. I then gently, almost imperceptibly, moved my head and shoulders from side to side, imagining the ball of energy opening and expanding to flow freely from my head to my toes.
After only a few minutes I could feel the tension dissipate and the migraine sensations lessen. More often than not, the migraines went away.
I still follow these practices as needed—and I'm very happy to report they are needed much less of the time.
It turns out the thing I hated was a key to my inner freedom. I have more confidence and courage to ask for what I want, withstand disappointing others, and trust that Life has got my back because of my migraines.
What if the thing you loathe (the pattern you despise) is really an angel in disguise?
Ponder that.
With loving,
ps: If you want to explore more about a limiting pattern you're experiencing, hit reply and tell me more. We can go from there.
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