Your Greatest Gift

Life was intentional in your creation. Everything about you was designed beautifully and perfectly. You are here on the planet, at this time, for a reason. You have something unique to contribute.

We all do.

Yet, many people feel lost and disconnected, unsure of their purpose and why they are here.

They spend hours reading books, ruminating in their minds trying to figure out who they are and what to do next. What they don’t realize is that the answer is much closer than they think.

Life provided us with a brilliant way to discover who/where/how we can serve.

Life didn’t just drop us at the starting line, waiting to see how we cross the finish line. Life is an active participant alongside our human race if we open ourselves to receiving Her Wisdom.

One way we can do that is by following our aliveness.

Your aliveness is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself and the world.

When we align with this state of being we are more open to our Innate Wisdom. Life seems magical. We smile more often. The sky is a brighter blue. Our minds are less busy. We experience more synchronicities—front-row parking, a series of green lights, surprise checks in the mail, warm introductions for a new project, etc.

We are present, in flow, and noticing the beauty and abundance already in our lives. We breathe gratitude in and out.

And, the great news is that this state isn’t by chance. You don’t have to wait for it to appear. You can actively cultivate it.

I’ve been prioritizing this relationship since January 1 and what I’m discovering is profound.  Writing—with which I’ve had a torturous relationship—has been pouring out of me. I can’t write down my ideas fast enough. I’ve enrolled two new $30K clients out of the blue. I received an unexpected refund check in the mail. My marriage is more fun than ever. I enjoy taking care of my body—eating way less sugar and drinking way less wine. I don’t miss those things at all.

There’s so much more I could share…

Don’t get me wrong, I still have my down moments from time to time. I forget who I am, as we all do. I just don’t linger there. I apply the practices I’m using to cultivate my aliveness—the same practices I’ll be teaching at my Bloom Like Spring workshop this weekend.

If you’re wanting to feel more magic in your life, it’s possible. 

You can nurture that relationship the same way you nurture your children or court your partner.

If you’re ready to uplevel and run your own Aliveness experiment, it’s not too late to sign up for Bloom Like Spring.

Everything I’m sharing has personally helped me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

You can register here.

This will likely be the last time I led this workshop in this way. 

With Fierce Loving,


live your best day today

Get my free guide with three simple, yet powerful, actions to CREATE your day (rather than react to it)
so you can feel more alive, abundant and on purpose. 

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Shattering an Old Identity


Behind-the-Scenes with Kirk Souder