You’re a Masterpiece
Photo by Riley McCullough
You're likely familiar with the saying that you're a Masterpiece and a Work in Progress.
You're both.
Yet most of us spend our time focused on the “Work in Progress” part.
If I asked you to tell me all the things you think are wrong with you, you'd likely have a list a mile long.
If I asked you to tell me all the things that are amazing about you, you'd likely respond like the participants at my Discover Live Trust Your Truth Retreat—full of dread and fear about bragging on themselves for five minutes straight.
What's that about?
If we are both a Masterpiece and a Work in Progress, why do we so easily disown our goodness, brilliance and beauty
1. We've Been Conditioned To.
We've been taught that owning our greatness is arrogant.
If we're arrogant we won't be liked.
And, if we aren't liked we'll get hurt.
So, it's best to be “humble” and hide our light.
But that's not true.
Hiding your light is just as painful because a part of you knows you're more than your “less than” story.
The truth is: You're a Soul using a human experience. You are stardust in human form. You're an Intentional Creation on this planet with a purpose.
More on that below. For now, let's look at another reason we focus on the “Work in Progress” part.
2. We Have An Ego.
You can't play golf without a set of clubs, just like you can't be human without an ego.
The ego lives in the land of not enough. It is part of your survival mechanism, fighting for your safety and protection. It's consumed with self-improvement, making you good enough to be a Soul.
As my mentor, Robert Holden says, “It doesn't know you already are a Soul.”
So it gets to work building a personality. It makes decisions about where you belong, what you're good at, who to like and dislike, who likes and dislikes you and so much more.
It feeds you fear-based narratives and images to distract you, motivate you, keep you in your comfort zone and more.
Most of the world operates from this place.
And, if we want to thrive in our human experience, part of our opportunity is to befriend our ego.
The ego gets a bad reputation, but without it, we wouldn't take action. We wouldn't learn, grow or even have a self-image. In essence, without it, we'd be our soul self or pure consciousness—which defeats the purpose of taking form.
The ego deserves our compassion. It cannot live in the present moment; therefore, it can never know love.
Imagine never being able to experience love. Only fear. That is where the ego resides.
So instead of trying to get rid of it, you can get to know it. You can interrupt it's narrative of unworthiness and invite it into a new context—one where you show it love.
The truth is: You are much more than the narrative it plays. You are Love Itself. And, Love can meet and hold anything, including your ego.
If this idea is new to you or you're curious about ways to meet your not-enoughness with love, I have a free, four-part video series devoted to this subject matter.
You can learn more about the Fierce Loving Mini-Series here.
Now it's easy to understand why we tend to skew towards self-judgment, criticism and unworthiness.
Because of this negativity bias, it's even more important to cultivate a self-acknowledgement practice.
How different would your day be if you noticed your generosity of spirit?
Recognized one of your many talents in the moment?
Saw how your kindness/patience/loving impacted another—or better yet, yourself?
If you don't acknowledge the Masterpiece that is you, you deny yourself of knowing your True Authentic Self.
So…brag on!
With Loving,
ps: If you're looking for a more in-depth way to experience the Truth of Who You Are, my colleague, Barbara Huson—whose work changed my relationship with money—is leading a four-month immersion into A Course in Miracles. You can check out The Awakening here.
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