Free Guide
Live Your Best Day Today
Get my free guide with three simple, yet powerful, actions to CREATE your day (rather than react to it) so you can feel more alive, abundant and on purpose.
We warm up before we work out, we cut our food before we eat, we pack our bags before a long trip. We prepare for so many activities and experience the benefits of that.
Why wouldn’t we prime our body, heart, and mind for what we want
before we start our day?
If you aren’t taking as little as 15-minutes
(that’s as long as the actions in this guide take)
to consciously program your brain for what you WANT to experience in your day,
your default operating system will take over.
As humans our brains have a negativity bias to ensure our survival. This means your default program is set to look for all the things that are wrong, concerning and urgent (it makes everything urgent).
I come from a long lineage of devoted worriers. My default program is full of comparison, catastrophizing, and not enoughness. If I don’t consciously create my day all I see is what’s wrong everywhere I look. My body. My husband. Work. Money. Weather. Social media. Climate change…the world.
Before I know it I feel irritable, hopeless, drained, wondering what’s wrong with me—especially when I know I have a wonderful life, but I can’t seem to appreciate it. (Hello guilt and shame!)
I’ve battled this programming for years trying to eradicate it, thinking that one day I would naturally wake up and be senselessly optimistic.
That hasn’t happened, at least not yet. I still wake up most mornings and sense the “what’s wrong” programming; however, what’s different is that I take myself to the “inner gym” and interrupt that programming every day with the actions I’m sharing in this guide.
In 15-minutes I reprogram my mind, heart and body for gratitude, spaciousness and possibility—and the results have radically changed me and my world.
I am more open, present and loving. I am generous and appreciative of what I have. I now easily prioritize joy, rest and pleasure—instead of working all the time. I bless the food I eat and the money I give and receive. Most days I feel like my heart will burst from the tremendous gratitude I feel.
This state of being is potent. It’s like a magnet for my dreams. Since committing to these practices I have received surprise checks in the mail, clients coming to me out of nowhere, progress in healing my chronic migraines, more energy, better digestion, clearer, firmer skin—and more!
I consider this a pretty profound return on investment.
new to the concept of co-creating your life and want to see what it’s all about, or if you’re familiar with this concept but don’t know exactly how to practice it.
busy, with a jam-packed schedule and don’t have hours to devote to your self-care.
wanting to feel more flow in your day.
disconnected from dreaming because of past disappointments.
This guide is for you if you’re:
experiencing more worry, stress, and fear than you’d like.
ready have more energy throughout your day.
open to plugging into the magic of Life—and letting it do more of the heavy lifting.
wanting to feel more peace, joy, abundance, love—and willing to see how good your life can get!
What’s Included:
a downloadable e-guide with examples and clear instructions to practice your new habits right away.
an instructional video to dive deeper into the how to’s—for those who want to uplevel the Daily Day Dreams.
a done-for-you playlist with songs to promote feelings from powerful to playful to peaceful and anything in between.
If you’re ready to Live Your Best Day Today,
claim your FREE guide using the form below.
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about amber
Amber Krzys is a dedicated coach and spiritual teacher committed to helping individuals connect with their true nature and realize their fullest potential. Born and raised in Charleston, WV, Amber attended Point Park University, where she earned a BFA in musical theater. Her journey led her to the Broadway and touring company of the musical Mamma Mia. In 2009, she transitioned from theater to earn an MA in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica and founded two flourishing businesses—Fierce Loving, Inc. and bodyheart.
With over a decade of experience, Amber blends transformational coaching with spiritual principles to offer a compassionate and intuitive approach to self-discovery and professional growth. Her work emphasizes the profound connection between the body, heart, and mind, encouraging clients to tap into their innate wisdom for healing, deeper understanding, and a greater sense of freedom.
Amber’s influence extends beyond one-on-one and group coaching, as she is a sought-after speaker and workshop facilitator, known for her engaging and relatable style. Her dynamic presence has made her a compelling voice in her field, inspiring many through her talks and workshops.
Amber holds certifications in various coaching methodologies and has trained under renowned leaders such as Byron Katie, Robert Holden, and Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick. She is also an advocate for body acceptance and self-love, creating the "bodyheart" campaign to help individuals cultivate a loving relationship with their bodies.
Amber is committed to helping others connect with their inner wisdom and live lives of greater fulfillment, joy, and purpose. To get started on your journey, she invites you to receive the "Live Your Best Day Guide," a free resource offering three simple, yet powerful actions to create your day rather than react to it. When not working, you can find Amber enjoying the sunny outdoors in Los Angeles with her loving husband and rescue pup, Matzah.