Behind-the-Scenes with Steve Chandler

If you've thought that exposure and marketing are the way to success…
If you've struggled to state your fees or increase them…
If you've questioned what true service looks like…

Pay attention. This week's guest on Behind-the-Scenes for Coaches is for you.

This man needs no introduction. He laid the groundwork for The Prosperous Coach style of growing your business and has effectively taught thousands of coaches how to make money through deep service. 

He is a prolific author, speaker, and original podcaster—before podcasting was a thing!

That's right, the one and only, Steve Chandler, joins me for Episode Nine. 

Steve never holds back. He gives his all—including his past “failures” and how he found his way to success. In this conversation, he shares stories and ideas I've never heard him talk about. There is so much to take away.

In this episode you'll hear:

  • how Steve became a coach—which wasn't his intention in the beginning. 

  • his secret to wealth creation. 

  • the "yes" that changed the trajectory of his life. 

  • a brilliant reframe on packages. 

  • the most astounding act of service I've ever heard. (If you listened to Episode Six with Carolyn Freyer-Jones, you get to hear the full version from the recipient himself!)

  • what his business looks like today and more!

To receive this episode and join a community of committed, inspiring, coaches, fill out the form below.


behind-the-scenes for coaches

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There is a correlation between the impact of your coaching and your bank account. The more depthful and transformative your work, the more a client's life changes, and the more your bank account grows. 

One of the best parts of this business is how it requires us to always be learning, applying, and up-leveling ourselves and our work. 

If you're ready to discover an embodied, holistic approach that meets your clients in profound ways, I invite you to check out my newest mastermind: Discover, Live, Trust Your Truth. 

This program isn't for coaches. It's for anyone who wants to live their fullest human potential.

I have found that the most profound tools are the ones that have worked for me. I am the first to experiment before sharing anything with my clients. And, let me tell you, the tools and techniques I'm teaching in this program are beyond anything I have ever encountered. We'll work on five levels: Thought, Feelings, Behaviors, Somatics, and Spirit/Intuition.

June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.

The Truth About Integrity


When Decisions About Yourself Aren’t True.