When Decisions About Yourself Aren’t True.
Photo: Simon Wilkes
As you are likely aware, I'm leading a complimentary workshop on Saturday called: Five Ways to Live Your Truth. This subject matter is potent with a wealth of material. In fact, the pre-work responses I've received are blowing my mind! We humans are more similar than we realize, and this journey of living our truth isn't for the weary. (If you've shared your answers to the questions, thank you!)
Truth can feel complicated because it can be difficult to discern the truth according to your small self (ego) and the Truth according to your Higher Self (Soul/Love). The ego's truth is to stay with what is known and familiar. The Soul's Truth is to honor the path that's most aligned with your creation (aka why you're here).
Think of it like an acorn that becomes an oak tree. There is wisdom guiding that acorn along the way. We have that same wisdom; it's just harder for us to hear because we have an intellect and conditioning that gets in the way.
One of my clients recently shared about how uncomfortable she is in new social settings. She expressed that she's socially awkward, so it's hard for her to connect with people in new environments. The challenge, however, is that she's a coach, and meeting people is part of the gig.
I experience this person as utterly delightful. She is real, full of depth and joy.
Because her view of herself didn't match my experience of her, I asked, “When did you decide you're socially awkward?”.
She knew right away. It was in her younger years after her family moved and she started a new school. The culture at the new school was very different from what she knew prior, so fitting in was an uphill battle.
Her survival instinct unconsciously kicked in to save her from repeated rejection and humiliation. It was easier to create the story “I'm socially awkward” and avoid the interactions.
Thank goodness for that survival instinct. It served her while she was growing up. And, yet, it is inhibiting her life today.
Socially awkward is not the truth of who she is. It's a construct that was important for a period of time. Now she is being offered the opportunity to create a new construct—such as, “I'm delightful. People enjoy being with me.”
We all have moments like this in our history. Decisions we've made out of survival that we have outgrown. As we let go of the old identity, we align more fully with the Truth according to our Soul.
This client is carving out time to be with her younger self. She is giving that part of her what she needed but didn't get then. This is healing. She is also gathering evidence to highlight her new truth—that she is delightful.
Discovering our truth is one thing. Living it is another. That's why I'm leading the workshop this Saturday.
It's not too late to join.
And, yes, it will be recorded for those who can't attend live!
Life wants you to thrive. It wants you to be who you are. This means you are capable of withstanding the death of your ego identification time and time again.
We'll dive into more on Saturday! I hope you'll join me.
With loving,
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