Letting Life Lead You {Announcement!}

When I “turned pro” and became serious about my business, I started mapping out my year in advance. Each January, I’d plot out what I was offering and when. I wanted to have a sense of how I would make money each month or quarter.

This is the first year I didn’t do that. I made a conscious choice not to because I was getting married. I wanted the majority of my energy, time and attention to breathe life into that magical day. So, I decided to lead my six-month group for coaches and work with individual clients…and that was it.

This choice felt uncomfortable, but I trusted that whatever was next for me would unfold in its’ own timing. Plus, I didn’t know what I might be inspired to create after crossing the threshold of marriage.

Occasionally I would have a worry come up about how I would bring in money after June, and in those moments, I brought myself back to the present. I remembered my decision to let Life lead in my business, and focused on what was in front of me.

A few weeks before the wedding, Life very clearly let me know what was next. I was on a call with my brilliant coach, Carolyn Freyer-Jones. At the end of our session she said, “I want to talk with you about something. I’ve decided to start a six-month school for coaches and I want you to be lead faculty for it, alongside me.”

I’m sorry, what? Did she just say what I think she said? My mentor wants me to teach in her school—alongside her!!??

I think I said something like: “Are you sure?” — No, I’m kidding. I was way less cool. I couldn’t contain my enthusiasm and blurted out, “Holy sh*t! Carolyn, this is amazing! It would be an honor to be a part of your school.”

Carolyn has been my individual coach for a year and a half. Before that, I participated in a group led by her and her business partner, Michelle. I also worked with Michelle individually until she passed away in 2015. What I know about Carolyn is that she is incredibly gifted at helping coaches create a thriving practice. She’s committed, determined and loving. She knows how to serve and how to teach others how to be successful through generosity. She and Michelle did this with me. They took my business from sinking (hello $44K in credit card debt) to sailing (hello multiple six figures) within a year and a half.

Being asked to facilitate alongside Carolyn is no small thing. It feels like a cosmic wink from Michelle! I am a part of her legacy. I have continued to pass along all I have learned from her, including, supporting coaches in growing themselves personally and professionally for the last four years. Now, I get to play a bigger game. I get to lend my creativity, voice, experience, insights and joy to Carolyn’s school—a place that is taking a stand for coaches and the coaching profession.

I am beyond excited to say yes to this opportunity! It’s going to be a game-changer for everyone involved.

I’ll be sharing more about the school down the line. For now, if you’re a coach or you know a coach who is ready to go to the next level in their business, you can click here for more information.

I did not see this coming at the start of the year. There is no way I could’ve planned for it in advance. Honestly, had I made other plans, I may not have been able to be a whole-hearted yes.

Do you have experience not making plans? What beautiful surprises have come along for you? And, what supported you in letting go of control and letting yourself surrender? Please share in the comments below so we can learn from one another.

Sometimes our plans are overrated. Don’t be afraid to plan less and live more. Slow down, listen to your heart and surrender. Life loves you. It’s waiting to show you how much.

With Fierce Loving,


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