Stop Trying to Heal Your Feelings

Photo: Courtney Lindberg

The energy you put into the world is what is delivered back to you. What we give, we receive. 

Today’s blog is longer than usual, and if you want to live your best life (which I know you do, it's why you're here), this article is worth taking in. 

Are you aware of the frequency at which you're vibrating as you go through your day?

In other words, are you aware of the energy that you're emanating as you do the grocery shopping, answer emails, pick up the kids from soccer practice, and so on?

Are you open or closed? Expansive or contracted? Light-hearted or heavy? Or somewhere in between? 

I've spent time the last few weeks sharing about the miracles I've experienced through thought work and body work. Two of the focuses of Discover, Live, Trust Your Truth, my new mastermind. Today I'm going to slow down on feelings. 

Your heart's electromagnetic field has been scientifically proven to extend three to four feet outside of your body. This means your energy can reach beyond you into the sphere you share with others. 

Isn't that amazing? 

You've likely experienced this. You met someone at an event and instantly felt at home with them. Or you passed someone on the street and knew not to engage with them. 

This information highlights the importance of your heart space—aka your feeling center. 

If you're feeling stressed, worried, anxious, and fearful most of the time, that sends a certain signal to the world and creates a certain result. And, if you're feeling inspired, grateful, joyful, and alive that sends a different signal and thus, a different result. 

I'm not suggesting one is better than the other. And…

We are designed to have ALL the feelings. 

Imagine a piano player only having access to half the keys on the piano. Her music would be limited. Having the full 88 keys allows her to create different depths and a variety of tones and styles in her orchestration. The low tones add riches that enhance the higher ones. 

The same is true for us. Our shame is just as valuable as our joy.

Yet, we haven't been taught that. We've been taught to avoid, deny, resist, fight…and even heal our unwanted feelings.

Those options aren't the most effective. In fact, they keep the feeling we don't want alive. 

Think about it, when you avoid something, it tends to get bigger. When you fight something, it tends to fight back. And, when you try to heal or change something (without understanding the other side)—say your partner's behavior—how well does that go? Not well at all. 

What all of us want at any given time is to be seen, heard, and accepted just as we are. 

Your feelings are no different.

The point of a feeling is to be FELT. Not to heal it or transmute it into something else. Simply to meet it as the visitor it is in the moment. 

Think of worry as a house guest visiting temporarily. It may not be your favorite guest, but it's a guest nonetheless and deserves your loving attention.

In my experience, when I meet my feelings with curiosity, love, and openness—and treat them with respect by simply listening to them and/or letting them out, I feel different on the other side. More whole and complete. More intimate with myself. 

Sometimes the feelings dissolve right away. Other times they linger, and that's ok. Learning to allow that has definitely been an opportunity for me. And, my capacity to hold myself in those moments, to soothe myself, has expanded. (Strengthening this skill is a key focus of Discover, Live, Trust Your Truth.)

Strangely enough, the result of meeting my feelings in this way has been feeling good more often.

My way of being—aka what I'm emanating—as I go about the world is more open, grateful, compassionate, and kind. This is partly because I'm not carrying the weight of the feelings I was avoiding, suppressing, and fighting.

This means the compassion, kindness, and gratitude I give becomes what I receive. 

The next time you notice your frustration (or other unwanted feeling), instead of trying to talk yourself out of it—which, by the way, never works, Feelings aren't rational, and trying to rationalize them is about as effective as trying to get your dog to scoop its own poo—treat your frustration as a temporary house guest.

There is a learning curve with this, and it's something we will be practicing inside Discover, Live, Trust Your Truth. We will have a two-month immersion into feelings, thoughts, and body work because understanding your instrument (aka your human form and how it was designed) and using every aspect of it to partner with Life is how we live our best life.

Applications are only open through July 12th. 
Spots are limited.

You can learn more about the program and apply here.

The application is designed to serve you whether the program is a fit or not.

In our rapidly changing world, meeting your feelings is revolutionary—and required for our next evolution. Having reverence for ALL parts of you is a healing balm for not only your world but our world. When you understand how to give this to yourself, you are more free to offer the same to others—and receive it in return.

May this article inspire you to relate to your feelings differently.

Wishing you the courage to welcome your entire human experience.

With loving,


ps: If you have questions or thoughts about what I've been sharing, reply and let me know. I read every email that comes my way. 


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June Mango® Design

June Mango® Design is a creative studio that works with helpers, healers and holistic brands. We help you bring your brand to life so you can spend your energy supporting others. Our sweet spot lies in our branding and web design process, but we also offer other services to meet you where you are.

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