Valuable Money Resource
Forming and running bodyheart has been one of the most challenging and empowering choices of my life. I have learned more about myself through being an entrepreneur than I ever imagined—so how could I not want that for you?
As you know, bodyheart was built from my own experience of learning how to relate to my body in a more loving way. How to let go of the hate and embrace the gift that is my body. In this post, I’m sharing a resource that is similar in story, but different in subject. The focus is money.
As business owners, our relationship with money is crucial. The beliefs we hold inside and how we show up in our choices and behaviors either demonstrate our fear or love of money.
Do you know how much you earned last year? Do you know how much is in your bank account currently? Do you know how much you would like to bring in this year? This month?
I used to completely avoid looking at my bank account because it made me depressed. I was so afraid to see my debt in comparison to my income. Every time I looked at it, I felt like a failure. And, who wants to feel like a failure? So, I avoided it.
But then, I realized nothing would not change unless I changed. I had to start nurturing my numbers. I had to start respecting, appreciating and cherishing the money I had. The same way I did with my body.
I formed a money treatment plan (a suggestion from my brilliant coach)—very similar to the way I did with my body. Honestly, I’m still implementing this treatment plan now—every day. I imagine this will become a way of being for me, similar to my body. Important things deserve ongoing love and attention, and money, along with my body, and many other things, definitely fit into that category.
Today’s video resource gave me a new action to add to my Money Love Plan.
In it, Marie Forleo interviews Kate Northrup, author of Money: A Love Story. I have this book and cannot wait to read it. It’s next in line on my Kindle. I’m even more excited to dive into it now after this interview.
Be sure to pay particular attention to:
11:28 – Pavlov’s dog
13:10 – Value for Value
15:03 – Value Exercise
The video is about 20 minutes in length, so be sure to plan for that before you dive in. It’s always best to take in new information when you give yourself space and time for it.

If you found this valuable, let me know in the comments below.
Here’s to deepening in your money love story today!