Who can you rely on?
Our nieces arrived this week for a fun spring break adventure; though what’s occurring is not the adventure we had in mind. No Hamilton, Disneyland or Universal. No lounging by the pool—thank you buckets of non-stop rain. Who knew that their SoCal vacation would include apocalyptic grocery store runs and lots of uncertainty regarding what’s next.
I bet your world is looking similar to this too. Cancelled plans, delayed contracts/gigs, empty egg and toilet paper shelves, and more.
It seems we’re all being given an opportunity to explore our relationship with the unknown. This can feel deeply uncomfortable. The ego thrives on knowing because in it’s eyes knowing equals safety. And if it can’t see what’s coming, it can’t control it—which is the ego’s greatest nightmare.
This is why reactions to COVID-19 range from shear panic to utter denial.
If we allow our ego to take the reigns of our response to this virus, fear will spread even faster than the disease. Fear compromises not only our health (it weakens our immune system), but also our ability to see clearly. It’s consumed with survival and protection and blocks us from accessing our deeper Wisdom.
The answer isn’t to ignore or deny the fear (or any of your feelings for that matter). Acknowledge it/them. Hear the message and then run that message by your own Inner Guidance.
This means carving out time to be still and listen to your heart—to that small still voice within. Love is intelligent. It’s the origin of true safety and will not lead you astray.
You are wise and resourceful. You are an excellent problem solver. We know this because you made it this far in your life. You’ve gone through some serious sh*t—and seen the other side. This experience will be no different.
Don’t forget that now. Don’t collapse into your small self at a time the world needs you to rise.
My friend sent me the below self-care graphic by Maria Sosa. I found it helpful—though, I’d also include:
Get sleep. Move your body. Cry your tears. (I did yesterday) Help others.

Let’s slow down and meet this moment mindfully, one-day, one-minute at a time.
With Fierce Loving,
Feature Photo by Priscilla Du Preez