Are you Addicted to Likes?



december 12, 2019

Remember that Robert Palmer song, Addicted to Love? In today’s times, it may be more fitting to say, “Might as well face it, you’re addicted to likes.”

The lure of online success is as real thing. I talk to coaches all the time who get seduced by it’s shimmer and shine. Heck, I was one of them when I first started my business. I thought that in order to be successful as a coach I had to have lots of followers and people on my mailing list.

As I focused my efforts and energy there, my bank account suffered—but, here’s the interesting thing…my comfort zone stayed intact. It was easier for me to create free optins, 5-day challenges, blog posts, training series, etc. than it was for me to sit one-on-one with a real, live human. That felt scary. I didn’t want to be that vulnerable, or responsible for someone else (fyi: this is a profound misunderstanding I talk about in the audio below). So, I continued hiding behind my computer and connecting on a more surface level hoping that “one day” I would make money.

After two years of the same and a lot of pain, I decided that hope wasn’t an effective strategy. It was time to do my business differently. It was time to face my fears of intimacy, because that’s really what they were—fears of deeply knowing myself and someone else.

This is an important topic, which is why I created the audio below. So many coaches lean on social media because it feels like they’re making progress, when the real road block is connecting with another human on a deeper level. The voice of fear says:

“I’ll get rejected.”
“I’ll let the client down.”
“The client will see I’m not very good.”
“They’ll find out I’m a fraud.”
“I’m responsible for the client’s success.”

There’s too much to unpack in a blog. So, grab a cup of tea, your journal and take a listen by pressing play.

To download, click the three dots on the right and then press download or click here.

If you’re a coach who has been trying to grow your following unsuccessfully and your bank account is suffering, make listening a priority this weekend. The good news is that there’s a whole new world waiting for you!

After you listen, email me at with anything that stands out to you.

With Fierce Loving,
PS: We are in the final rounds of conversations for The CFJ Coaching Success School. If you have been considering the program as a way to uplevel your business in 2020, now is the time to reach out. Get scheduled now before we fill up. Email me at


behind-the-scenes for coaches

get the audio series about what it really takes to build and
a successful coaching business


The Downside of Longing


{Video} How to use comparison FOR you