Grounding Amidst Uncertainty
One of my friends had to evacuate, and our conversations during this time have been illuminating. In moments like these, we are often faced with a stark reminder of what truly matters in our lives. Read more...

Rethinking Fees: Insights on Money and Worth
For a decade, I've used The Prosperous Coach approach to build my business with great success. I love its intimate, relationship-based nature and the way it empowers coaches to create clients anytime, anywhere. However, I've come to see a misunderstanding lingering beneath the surface that implies that higher fees equate to better coaching and greater success; that somehow the ultimate goal is to get your first $50K, $75K, or $100K+ client. Many leaders in this approach say setting fees is personal, yet the perceived pressure to charge more often overshadows that truth.

Didn’t Know I Needed This
Learnings on retreat from volunteering at Best Friends to living fully expressed in Las Vegas! As we transitioned from service to celebration, one thing came up for every single attendee: “I didn't know how much I needed this.” Read more...

Unlock True Freedom with Aila Coats
In this episode, Aila and I dive deep into the challenges she faced around money, especially when it came to charging for something that felt joyful and light. We also explore her inspiring work with teens, her shift from being a 'secret coach' to becoming more visible, and moving from a reality of limitation to a reality of possibility in an instant. Read more now.

The Power of Breath
Every holiday season invites beautiful joys and moments of magic, but it also brings a fuller schedule that can trigger patterns of perfectionism, disappointment, unspoken expectations, and exhaustion.
There are many ways to take care of yourself during this season. One of the best is by consciously preparing ahead of time. I have a simple yet powerful suggestion for you today. The best part? It's easy, accessible, and available to you in every moment. I'm talking about breath.

Awaken the Wisdom Within
As coaches, our ability to guide others often stems from a deep well of creativity and wisdom within us. This creativity isn't just about thinking outside the box—it's about connecting with the profound spiritual understanding that fuels our intuition, insight, and ability to serve others. When we tap into this inner wisdom, our creativity blossoms, allowing us to bring fresh perspectives, innovative solutions, and heartfelt connection to our work.

The Sweetness of Being
We often wait for permission to rest and play. We get caught up in the belief that rest must be earned or that play is a luxury. But what if we allowed ourselves the freedom to embrace these moments more often. You are worthy of rest and joy simply because you exist. Read more...

The Power of Commitment with Ankush Jain
Over the last few years, I've watched Ankush rise as a leader and take a stand for coaches in the coaching profession. He is on a mission to change the profession to one that is as respected as any other—such as doctors, lawyers, and engineers. Click to listen…

Open Heart Surgery
Over the last eight weeks I've been in recovery from a kind of open-heart surgery. Not physical. I haven't been to the cardiologist. It's been more emotional and spiritual—where The Divine has been my highly gifted surgeon.
It's almost as if when our dog, Lucky passed away, he opened a portal to a next level consciousness of Love and Freedom like I've never experienced before.

Finding “Home” In This Profession with Stacy Nadeau
Stacy is highly gifted at using her story in service to freeing others. She's one of the most real people I know. She's not afraid to share her struggles since those became the stepping stones for her success. Click to listen…

Are You Being Undone?
The undoing process is really a birth process. In order for a new, more aligned you to be born, a death of the outdated you must occur. Because labor—aka effort to bring new life/new understanding—is a part of birth, we experience discomfort and even pain. This is the invitation—to meet the upset Read more…

Lucky’s Lead on Living a Good Life
Less than a week after his 16th birthday, our sweet boy, Lucky, let us know it was time to say goodbye. He was one of my greatest teachers. Here are some of the lessons he taught me. Living into any ONE of them can be life changing. Read more…

Abundant Creativity with Veronica Alweiss
Veronica's story is a demonstration of what happens when we prioritize our growth, make choices from our future selves and bring our uniqueness to our work. She is a Creative Maven and her practice is a Work of Art! Click to listen…

Want More Prosperity?
Coaching prosperity is created through time, attention and dedicated action (inside and out). Join me for a 40-Day Game to win a new relationship with Prosperity. Click to read more…

The Untapped Gift We’re Afraid to Open
We have a tremendous gift that we have been conditioned to be afraid of. Tapping into it is not only the key to a richer, more meaningful life, it’s also the key to living less afraid. Read more…