The Untapped Gift We’re Afraid to Open
We have a tremendous gift that we have been conditioned to be afraid of. Tapping into it is not only the key to a richer, more meaningful life, it’s also the key to living less afraid. Read more…

Where Do You Place Your Trust?
We are always trusting in something. We put our trust in our bank account, the number on the scale, our partner, house, and even our patterns of protection, worry and fear. When trust is left up to the ego, it will always choose what it knows—patterns of protection, familiarity and certainty. However, there is a much more stable experience of Trust available. Read more…

Trying to Be Good is Exhausting
If women spend their precious time, energy and attention trying to be good, they won't get in touch with their true power and brilliance. This message of 'be good above all else' is baked into a patriarchal society for this reason. It's a form of control.

The Five L’s
The Five L's by Dr. Gladys McGarey will change your life. Take less than one minute to listen to this clip.

You’re a Masterpiece
If we are both a Masterpiece and a Work in Progress, why do we so easily disown our goodness, brilliance and beauty?